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G.I. Joe Convention 2017 Parachute Drop

This morning was the always exciting parachute drop for the 2017 G.I. Joe Convention and both Phil from YoJoe and Chris from The Full Force were on hand to capture the excitement! I've got images and YouTube video below straight from Orlando, Florida.  Almost like...

Detailed images of exclusives from

The official G.I. Joe Convention Facebook Page has posted more images of their convention exclusives. Some great pictures here of the con exclusives with some great detail. Head on over to their Facebook Page and check it out, I've mirrored some images below. [gallery...

G.I. Joe San Diego ComicCon Exclusive Revealed

...and it's a pretty awesome and pleasant surprise! has revealed that the 2017 SDCC G.I. Joe exclusive will be a reproduction of the previous Sears Exclusive Cobra Missile Command center with an MSRP of $50. By the looks of it, the set will include a vintage...

Potential line up and design of JoeCon Exclusives

Okay, here we go! Fresh from the Golden Ticket Pickup, we've got the full list of exclusives for the 2017 G.I. Joe Convention as well as some possible images/design cues based on the comic.  Keep in mind the comic isn't always 100% accurate and they sometimes throw us...