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Thank you to all who have, and who continue to serve

Whether spending the actual Veterans Day remembering yesterday, or whether you’re taking a day today to think about the men and women who have served our country, the important thing is that you take a moment to remember folks who have given their time and their lives to defend our country and preserve our freedom.

Less than a week after an election that has elicited such an antagonistic response throughout the United States, hopefully any anger or conflict has been replaced, if temporarily, with remembrance for the most important part of that day.  The fact that we, as a democracy, are permitted to make our voices heard, no matter what that voice might say is a true credit to the men and women who have fought (and died) to give us that  voice.

To all those who serve and who has served…  a sincere thank you.

Ask and ye shall receive… GeneralsJoes readers come through!

Wow…to say I was pleasantly surprised by the outpouring of help today would be an understatement.  This morning I asked for an Excel guru to assist me in combing through the write in votes for the Concept Case survey, and I was inundated with offers!  Emails, comments, Twitter, PM’s on other forums…a ton of offers to help, and I cannot thank everyone enough for their assistance.

Ultimately, a couple guys pitched in and provided a TON of help filtering out garbage data and compiling some very interesting results.

I need to spend some more time filtering and sorting, but this was a HUGE help, and I should hopefully be able to post the final tallies alongside Round Two of the Concept Case survey on Monday.

Big props to everyone who offered to help today.  I truly appreciate the time it took and the generous offers everyone sent my way.

The Evolution of a Toy Room – Part Three

The best laid plans…

It’s been a while since I posted an update on this project, mostly because life has been really busy.  We had the whole G.I. Joe: Retaliation movie change fiasco, which prompted a lot of podcast recordings, which then spiraled into preparation for JoeCon as well as preparing to move.  As I write this, I am currently in the new house, however the toy room is still in its infancy.

I’m approaching Part Three with the perspective that sometimes things don’t always go as planned, and sometimes roadblocks get thrown in your way (no pun intended) but it is important to look on the bright side of things and not get upset over the little speed bumps that come your way.  As we got closer and closer to the house finishing construction, it became evident that the final result of my toy room wasn’t going to match what I had pictured in my head.  The real issue was how could I adapt to the changes that were coming.

Click the Read the Rest of the Story link below for the full details.


Much more G.I. Joe Convention wrap up coverage coming… stay tuned!

Just figured I’d throw a quick post up…  I have a TON more stuff to come to wrap up my Convention coverage, such as photos of the awesome diorama, a run down of the names of each of the concept figures shown, updates from the What’s on Joe Mind interview, and just some more little news and details about the show in general.  Many folks know this already, but for folks who don’t, I basically flew back into town yesterday and immediately began moving into a new house.  We don’t even have internet yet, and I will be quite busy unpacking for the next day or two.  So trust me, more stuff IS coming, it just might be another 24 – 48 hours.  When I’m not unpacking I’ll be formatting posts, the SuperPage and getting my review station set back up.

I’m hoping I might be able to get something done tonight, but we will have to see.

Thanks very much for your patience, I hope you enjoyed the coverage of the show so far… MORE IS COMING!

JoeBattleLines gets back in the saddle with Marauder Wave 6 Review!

Speaking as someone who has known Fred for a very long time, I’ll say that his reviews, posts, and overall G.I. Joe content has been missed over the past several years.  Thankfully, it looks like Fred (AKA LeonardoTDragon) is tossing his hat back into the ring and working to get content roaring back to JoeBattleLines.

For a long time JBL has been a mainstay of the G.I. Joe community and I’m proud to say I used that platform to express my love for Sigma 6 back in the Sigma 6 Central days.  I’m thrilled to see Fred bringing some more new reviews to the table, and you should be, too.

Check out his update post where he talks about his Joe life a little bit more, and make sure you scope out his Marauder Wave 6 review as well.  Good stuff all around.

Welcome back, Fred, we missed you, you old coot.