by generalsjoes | Jan 31, 2020 | Web Stuff
Some folks have already noticed over the past few days that I’m making some desperate, last ditch efforts to try and coax the GeneralsJoes review archive back online and free from the spyware-ridden webhost that I’ve been saddled with over the past several months.
I have made a LOT of progress! now redirects automatically to and many of the links have been repointed to the current host.
You should find that most of the reviews and dio-stories are now online here at!
Unfortunately there are many, many broken images, especially in the newer reviews, and I’m racking my brain trying to figure out how to get that fixed. I hope I can, but unfortunately I cannot make any promises. This hurts me just as much (if not more) than it hurts you guys, trust me. I’m trying to strategize ways to fix this going forward and to ensure something like this does not happen again.
Regardless, start hopping around the site and please let me know how things look. Thanks very much for your patience…
(Can you tell I’m starting to get ramped back up for Toy Fair in a few weeks?? Should be a fun year!)
by generalsjoes | Jul 29, 2019 | Web Stuff
Well, it’s been an interesting several months, I’ll give you that.
To tell the truth, I’ve written this post many times since last August, and deleted it many times, simply because I’m a bit stubborn and reluctant to accept defeat. And to a point, when it comes to GeneralsJoes, I’ve had to (temporarily) accept defeat.
A few years back, I accepted an offer from the owner of YoJoe to host GeneralsJoes on their infrastructure to reduce hosting fees, and also agreed to a small monthly stipend for the immense amount of work that goes into writing the reviews and posting news.
Well, without getting in the muck too deep, the monthly stipend never really materialized fully and while I was happy to let GeneralsJoes live on the YoJoe servers, it didn’t save me a whole lot of work or money in the long run.
Fast forward to last year, when YoJoe was bought by a new corporation– who promptly cut off all FTP access.
For anyone who isn’t in the know, without FTP access I essentially cannot upload images, download images, or access much of my old content. GeneralsJoes is, essentially, stuck in its current state. I cannot migrate it to my own host, I cannot post new reviews, I cannot post new blogs or news stories (at least if I want to include images).
I have repeatedly sent requests for this access to be restored and have been basically told “sorry”. It is what it is.
But my purpose here isn’t to talk crap about the new YoJoe owners, my purpose here is to start “fresh” (or as fresh as possible). With a new mobile game incoming, movie news starting to flutter to the surface, and frequent podcast updates with The Full Force, I have decided to “reboot” GeneralsJoes so to speak. All of the archival data will remain at the old URL (in the menu up above for helpful navigation) but I’ll be posting as much new content here at GeneralsJoesReborn as possible. Will it ever be as frequent or as current as GeneralsJoes was back in the day? Probably not, but I’m going to have some fun with it anyway.
Stay tuned… definitely more to come!

by generalsjoes | Oct 26, 2015 | Web Stuff
Halloween is coming, it’s time for trick or treat! Hopefully a price drop on The Fog of Dreams is considered a treat.
We’ve kicked off a Kindle Countdown deal this week leading up to Halloween where we’ve dropped prices on the Kindle format of Fog of Dreams down to .99 for a limited period of time!
For those of you unfamiliar with the Kindle Countdown, the .99 price WILL NOT LAST LONG. If you’ve been even remotely tempted to kick the tires on my first original novel, now is your chance.
Click the banner below to grab your copy before the price goes up again! I promise, if you’re a fan of G.I. Joe, you WILL dig this book.
by generalsjoes | Aug 11, 2015 | Web Stuff
I made a promise that this wouldn’t turn into my author page, and it won’t, trust me. Heck, I’ve already got one of those right here.
However, considering there are a number of folks who dig my G.I. Joe fiction and check out this page, and considering…well, I kinda own it and can do what I want… 🙂
Today, my new science fiction, action/adventure novel series Operation: Harvest kicks off with The Fog of Dreams. I’ve been working on this novel (and this entire universe) for probably almost ten years, and seeing it this close to culmination is almost like a dream come true. I honestly and completely believe that if you love G.I. Joe, there will be things about this novel that you love as well. There are many common themes between the two universes, as one might expect with my 30+ year fascination with A Real American Hero.
I won’t dwell on it, I won’t mention it every day, but I will talk about it from time to time, fair warning. If you’re interested, hit up the link below to pick it up on Amazon! The Kindle version is only $2.99 (you can read it for free with Kindle Unlimited!) and the paperback is $12.99. I have worked very hard and invested a lot of money into making it the best I could. Please give it a try.
/Sales Pitch

by generalsjoes | Aug 7, 2015 | Web Stuff
Indulge me if you will…
Obviously, if you’re coming here, you’re a G.I. Joe fan as am I, and I believe you’re familiar with the fact that I’ve been writing G.I. Joe fiction.
Well, I’d like to take a moment to announce that next Tuesday my brand new novel will be released, and it’s my first piece of non-G.I. Joe fiction to be published! It’s the beginning of my own little universe, my own little crowded section of the publishing world.
And honestly, I think it’s something that G.I. Joe fans will really enjoy.
The paperback is available now, the Kindle version is open for pre-orders, ready for delivery August 11th (next Tuesday). I’m extremely excited about this (although admittedly, also nervous) and hope that anyone who is interested will give it a chance.
It will also be available via Kindle Unlimited next week.
I’ll try not to clog this feed with sales pitches for my non-G.I. Joe stuff, but I’ll warn everyone up front, it will get mentioned from time to time. Hopefully no one minds too much.
You can check out the full press release below!

Wolf’s Head Publishing Debuts First Book Series – ‘Operation: Harvest’ | PRLog
Released for pre-order on August 1st, local publishing company announces the first novel from captivating new trilogy series.
PRLog – Aug. 6, 2015 – LEBANON, N.H. — Known as the “self-publishing revolution”, many smaller publishing companies are making their debut to the public and Wolf’s Head Publishing is no exception. Justin Bell is the owner of said company that was created as a launching point for his own series of thriller-based books.
“The basic premise is that anyone can become a small publisher. You call the shots. You retain the rights to your book and you take home a bigger royalty than you’d normally get from a traditional publisher – if you sell any books,” notes CNET’s David Carnoy in a recent article.
While the publishing business may be tedious for some, Bell has made it clear that he’s up for the challenge. After getting his start in writing for the G.I. Joe Universe for the Amazon Kindle Worlds platform (, Bell’s own works have become one the most popular making the author one of the highest selling writers in that category.
His first novel in the upcoming “Operation: Harvest” trilogy is titled “The Fog of Dreams” and is classified as a “thriller and suspense genre” novel. The book boasts strong action and military elements. Bell’s novels in the “Operation: Harvest” trilogy feature genetic manipulation and conspiracy theory as overarching themes throughout the entire trilogy, as well as the strong bond between family; especially fathers and children.
“The main hero, William Strickland, is willing to do anything and everything to find his missing daughters, even if it means going up against the United States government themselves,” explains Bell. “I’ve dreamt of being a writer for my entire life, and couldn’t be more excited that the opportunity to realize that dream has finally arrived. I truly believe that the adventures will provide the same level of entertainment to the readers that they have been to the author for the past several years. On behalf of myself and Wolf’s Head Publishing as a whole, I can’t wait to get this story out to the world.”
The 332-page suspense novel is now available on Amazon (…) as of August 1st, 2015 for only $12.99, with its launch set for other digital book stores in the coming weeks. Kindle Unlimited subscribers can borrow the book for free as well. The novel is available both digitally or in print for customers. Bell is hoping that the birth of his own universe will provide stories and characters that will captivate readers for years to come.
About the company:
Founded in 2014, Wolf’s Head Publishing was created as the springboard for a new series of suspense and thriller novels. Originally developed as a self-publishing company for author Justin Bell’s works, the hope is for it to evolve into something larger. Its mission is to bring exciting action, superhero, and suspense novels to a growing reader base that is desperate for new entertainment.
The company’s owner and lead author, Justin Bell, has been writing for most of his life, with works in everything from fiction to technical education, news stories, and online blog and opinion posts. The story of William Strickland and Operation: Harvest is one he’s been “dying to tell for the past ten years” is newly released on
For media inquiries regarding Wolf’s Head Publishing, individuals are encouraged to contact Owner and Author, Justin Bell directly at 603-252-5624 or via email at To learn more about the company or the novel, please visit:
– See more at:
by generalsjoes | Nov 25, 2014 | Sponsor News, Web Stuff
I’ve made no secret that I try to promote some Amazon sales through my site to not just bring to light some good deals, but also because as an Amazon Affiliate, purchases made through my affiliate link help support the website.
I try to keep the shilling to a minimum, but with Black Friday/Cyber Monday coming up, I figured this might be a good time to showcase some deals.
G.I. Joe Section – Toys, Comics, Cartoons, and Movies!