by generalsjoes | Oct 21, 2016 | Uncategorized
The much anticipated Kickstarter for Dime Novel Legends by Chicken Fried Toys has been going for a couple of weeks now and is going strong, passing by the $100,000 marker within the past day or so.
There is, however, still a ways to go, as they still need another 25 grand to be fully funded, and there are plenty of stretch goals out there for the taking as well.
If you haven’t considered funding yet, please check out the Dime Novel Legends Kickstarter, and check all their updates, as the structure and incentives are only getting better as time goes on!
Pledge for this great looking Old West action figure line now!
by generalsjoes | Aug 5, 2016 | Uncategorized

More to come…
by generalsjoes | Jul 12, 2016 | Uncategorized
When it comes to my sponsors and store affiliation things, I try to refrain from the shameless shilling, but I’m making an exception today. Deal with it. 🙂
Today, Amazon has launched Prime Day and it’s a great chance to not only kick the tires on their Amazon Prime service, but to get some really insane price deals, too. I’ve been a member of Amazon Prime for several years and I would never go back. It’s more than made up the money for me on shipping, plus the streaming video service ain’t half bad either.
Also, if you use my Affiliate link when you buy Amazon products, it supports the site and allows me to expand my reviews a little bit beyond typical G.I. Joe fare. Recently I’ve been able to review several Transformers items, and I was just able to purchase one of the new Takara Dia Battles sets thanks to my Amazon Affiliation. Please consider helping GeneralsJoes by clicking my Amazon Affiliate link and checking out Prime Day!
Shill over.
by generalsjoes | Jan 1, 2016 | Uncategorized
I’ll be the first to admit that it’s been a trying year both from a personal standpoint and the “hobby” standpoint. Certainly great things have come throughout 2015, but losing a close friend (as well as close family) always puts a big red “X” through any particular year on the calendar.
As we put 2015 in the rear view mirror and look towards 2016 lets all remember that we are called a community because we are one. My closest friends that I have in the world are all people I met through the G.I. Joe brand and at various G.I. Joe Conventions throughout the years. The mere hint that something like that might not be a given past 2016 is deeply troubling to me, and hopefully troubling to other folks in the community as well.
I keep my hopes up and look towards the New Year with optimism. Hopefully all of you have great things to look forward to as well.
Happy New Year!

by generalsjoes | Nov 11, 2015 | Uncategorized
As G.I. Joe fans, I’d hope many of us would be a bit more acutely aware of the importance and significance of celebrating those folks who volunteer to put their lives on the line for the safety of us and our country.
In reality, we’d celebrate their service more than one day per year, but on this day especially, let’s take a moment to think of our Veterans and show some appreciation for what they do.

by generalsjoes | Jul 9, 2015 | Uncategorized
Okay, I must admit when I first saw this little SDCC related news item pop up I immediately checked the calendar to make sure it wasn’t April 1st. This seems like one of those stories that simply works too well to be true.
But Toy News International is reporting that Mattel has acquired the license to produce Thundercats figures and that their plans for those figures (based on the classic cartoon) involve keeping them in scale with their Masters of the Universe Classics toyline. None of this has been confirmed, so take it with a huge grain of salt.
Whether that means the two lines would share parts or whether they would have a subscription model for the Thundercats line is all in question right now, and hopefully as SDCC goes on, we’ll get some answers. As a big Masters of the Universe fan and even bigger Thundercats fan, I am more than a little giddy at this idea. Unfortunately, however, Thundercats has a recent history of doing something great but not doing it for very long. Just see their excellent animated series and recent Bandai action figures for proof of this.
I plan on reporting on any of this news as it comes up, so stay tuned.