June distribution schedule from Previews
A full rundown of items shipping through Previews during June, 2009 has been posted here. Included in this large list is a gathering of G.I. Joe related items, including the below list:
A full rundown of items shipping through Previews during June, 2009 has been posted here. Included in this large list is a gathering of G.I. Joe related items, including the below list:
Comics Continuum has posted the submission details for IDW in June, 2009. The G.I. Joe submissions are as follows:
I’m still woefully slacking on my own review, but to tide people over, here’s a fancy-pants newfangled video review courtesy of GrandLAN and Youtube. It covers two of IDW’s new titles, COBRA, as well as Groom Lake.
Link to the video itself is here.
Credit to Chris Ryall on his Ryalltime Blog for pointing it out!
ComicContinuum.com has posted a five-page preview to the upcoming second issue of G.I. Joe: Origins, slated to hit stands next Wednesday. This issue appears to pick up right where issue #1 left off, digging a bit more into Snake Eyes’ past, but also uncovering a bit more about the mysterious Chimera as well.
Check out the preview here.
While I haven’t gotten COBRA #1 quite wrapped up yet, I do have reviews posted for last week’s issues in my Comic Review section. Check the links below as well:
Along the same lines as IDW’s recently announced “I Am Optimus Prime” book, featuring Robot Heroes versions of all of the familiar Transformers characters, the comic publisher will be releasing “We Are G.I. Joe” a comic geared towards 4-7 year olds with Combat Heroes taking center stage.
Full details of this awesome looking upcoming book can be found at Chris Ryall’s “Ryalltime” blog, and I also slapped up a gallery of some of the images below. This looks like a whole lot of fun! My three-year old already runs around the house yelling “COBRA!” so this will be the next obvious step in the evolutionary chain.