by generalsjoes | Apr 6, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
Last week, GeneralsJoes reported about two new IDW listings on, one for Volume 6 of the Marvel reprint Trade Paperbacks, and a listing for the TPB for G.I. Joe: COBRA. At the time, no covers had been posted, but as of now, the covers are posted, though they’re nothing to write home about.
The cover for Volume 6 looks to be the cover from Devils’ Due incarnation of G.I. Joe #1 (once again, art by J Scott Campbell) and unfortunately, it really doesn’t pertain to anything that actually happens in the book. Definitely an odd choice. G.I. Joe: COBRA just features the same image of Chuckles tied to a chair that we’ve seen many times already.
Regardless, if you want to check out the covers, click here for Volume 6 and here for COBRA. Thanks to Jeff Bohn for the intel!
by generalsjoes | Apr 2, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
A few different sources have begun posting reviews of the most recent issues of the G.I. Joe comics online… I’m starting to realize there just aren’t enough hours in the day for me to review everything I want to review, so I may have to be more selective. 🙁
Anyway, here’s what we’ve got so far sprinkling around the World Wide Web:
Very interesting reviews…I find it intriguing that the fringe books seem to be getting more positive buzz than the core book itself. It doesn’t seem to be a reflection of Chuck Dixon’s writing (since he’s writing the movie prequel as well) but, whatever the reason, that is the case. I do think that the core series started off somewhat slow, and has continued to crawl pace-wise for all 4 issues. I think something has to start ramping up in that title soon, or it may just get too drawn out. After all, the Marvel series told a very similar story way back in Issue #3, and it only took one issue to tell it. How long do we really need to see Destro’s henchman playing X-Box?
by generalsjoes | Apr 1, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
Amazon has posted new listings for a couple of upcoming IDW products, including Marvel reprints Volume 6 and the COBRA Trade Paperback. There are no covers posted yet, but it’s very interesting to note that Volume 6 of the Marvel reprints will likely start reprinting comics that have not been collected as of yet into previous Trade Paperbacks, so it’s a great chance to pick up where you left off on the Marvel series.
Big thanks to Jeff Bohn for the info!
by generalsjoes | Mar 27, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
It almost seems as if we’re getting G.I. Joe titles hitting our local comic stores every week, and next Wednesday will be no different! According to Graham Cracker Comics, both G.I. Joe #4 and G.I. Joe Rise of COBRA Prequel # 2 will be hitting shops this coming Wednesday, April 1st.
by generalsjoes | Mar 26, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
Comics Continuum has posted 5-page previews of two upcoming G.I. Joe titles from IDW, G.I. Joe #4 as well as the Rise of COBRA prequel #2, featuring Destro! Check them out here.
Thanks to Shin Densetsu of for the info.
by generalsjoes | Mar 26, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
It’s barely a day after the release of G.I. Joe Origins #2, and there are a couple of sites already posting reviews of this latest issue.
Work has had me crazy busy this past week, I’m hoping there will be a lull soon so I can give COBRA #1 and Origins #2 the proper review treatment.