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Nightly News Recap – Splash Page talks IDW Comics

The Splash Page, a devision of has posted an article about the IDW comic books, mostly talking about the series extensions we reported on yesterday.  Quotes of interest include:

“Calling this “the year of G.I. Joe,” IDW announced that its “G.I. Joe: Origins” miniseries published in partnership with Hasbro will become an ongoing series with current writer Chuck Dixon handling the next pair of “Origins” issues, and veteran “G.I. Joe” writer (and live-action “G.I. Joe” movie consultant) Larry Hama taking over for a subsequent three-issue story. IDW’s “G.I. Joe: Cobra” miniseries will also be extended via an extra “G.I. Joe: Cobra Special” issue at the end of its 4-issue run.”

Along with the report, MTV got some sneak images of upcoming covers for the G.I. Joe: COBRA series.  Check those out below!



Nightly News Recap – Further details on IDW comics, with cover images

Chris Ryall expanded on the recent announcement from IDW about the status of their G.I. Joe books by providing a few extra tidbits, mostly in the way of cover images.  Mr. Ryall states in his Ryalltime blog that starting with Issue #7, the ongoing Joe title will get a nice gatefold cover to celebrate the start of a new storyline.  That awesome cover can be seen below:


Along with the gatefold cover for Issue #7, the Editor in Chief also showed off the latest work by Tom Feister for G.I. Joe: Origins #6:


Sounds like things are going well in the Joe publishing realm!  Big thanks to Jeff Bohn for the tip.

Nightly News Recap – IDW Comic News from FX

Lots of news came out of the G.I. Joe panel at Orlando’s FX International and Newsarama provides the details.

Some of the key points…

G.I. Joe

  • Dixon has plotted through issue 18.
  • Robert Atkins is on art through issue 6, then SL Gallant (Movie Prequel Destro and Duke) is on art for issues 7 through 12, with Atkins returning for issues 13 through 15.

G.I. Joe Origins

  • Origins is now an ongoing series, with arcs focusing on either a group or a single joe.
  • No mention of the creative team, it is not known if Larry Hama will continue to write the series.

G.I. Joe Cobra

  • Still a four issue limited series
  • But there will be another mini-series with the same creative team.

Other news

  • Larry Hama is going to be drawing an issue (unknown which title).
  • A Baroness one-shot is planned with Ben Templesmith on art and Mark Andreyko writing.

Newsarama also had news earlier in the weekend about Michael Golden and the G.I. Joe Yearbook Redux.

  • Michael Golden and IDW are recoloring and re-editing the story from G.I. Joe Yearbook #2 “Triple Play”.
  • It will contain at least 5 pages of new artwork.

ComicsContinuum has more details on upcoming “Best of Larry Hama” TPB has posted another entry of “IDW Firsts”, but the only new item on there is the “Best of Larry Hama” Tradepaperback.  Details on the trade paperback are as follows:

G.I. Joe: The Best of Larry Hama HC will arrive in stores on March 25 from IDW Publishing. The issue is written by Larry Hama, with art by various and a cover by J. Scott Campbell.

Here’s how IDW describes the book:

“Since 1982, Larry Hama has been chronicling the comic book adventures of G.I. Joe, influencing every aspect of the property. This collection of stories, spanning the length of Hama¹s career truly represents The Best of Larry Hama, and includes G.I. Joe: Real American Heroes issues #21, 24, 26, 34, 63, 85, 86, 91, 104, and G.I. Joe: Special Missions #17.”

G.I. Joe: The Best of Larry Hama HC will be 240 pages and will cost $50.”

IDW “First Look” at G.I. Joe: COBRA #2

ComicsContinuum has posted a “First Look” 5-Page preview of the upcoming G.I. Joe: COBRA #2, which hits local comic shops on Wednesday, April 15th.

Written by Christos Gage and Mike Costa, and with art by Antonio Fuso, the book centers on G.I. Joe undercover agent Chuckles attempting to infiltrate the most secretive terrorist sect known to mankind.  Along the way we see some familiar faces and watch Chuckles slow descent into the terrorist underworld.  Check out the 5-page preview here.

In my personal opinion, this is the best G.I. Joe book I’ve read from IDW yet, I’m greatly looking forward to Issue #2 next week!

Thanks to “Lucs” from for the info!