by generalsjoes | Jan 11, 2014 | Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
We’ve gotten our fair share of G.I. Joe and Transformers cross overs throughout the years from Marvel, Devils’ Due, and even Dreamwave, but to date we have not gotten the same thing yet from IDW Publishing.
This summer that all changes as Tom Scioli takes over writing (along with John Barber) and art duties for the upcoming Transformers and G.I. Joe limited series. By all accounts, though, this isn’t our typical crossover. Scioli says that this story doesn’t take place in any real existing continuities, but it sounds like it works as a story enough to fit where the reader wants it to fit.
But what’s truly unique about this upcoming series is Scioi’s fascinating take on the artwork. Using the 80’s aesthetic with some very cosmic style artwork, Scioli completely embraces the vintage look and feel, and I’m loving it. Newsrama interviewed Scioli about his process in accepting the job and working through the early stages.
Find the interview right here, and check out a couple of early images below.

by generalsjoes | Jan 6, 2014 | Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
First of all, a belated congratulations to YoJoe member gijoecollector1 for being the winner of the IDW Limited Complete Collection Volume 1 edition late last year. But where there’s Volume 1, there must be Volume 2!
YoJoe has launched the second “CobraThon Contest” for an absolutely free copy of the IDW Limited “Complete Collection” Red Label Volume 2. The details are below:
This Red Label edition of G.I. JOE: The Complete Collection Vol.2 is signed by Russ Heath and Larry Hama and hand-numbered to 250. This collection of classic G.I. Joe
tales has been packaged and presented in beautiful hand-assembled casing and re-imagined covers.
• Limited to 250 copies
• Limited-edition, custom-designed slipcase
• Mounted signature page signed by Larry Hama & Russ Heath
• Exclusive canvas cover only available through this IDW Limited release
• Vellum title-page overlay
• New end pages
• Collects 12 issues of the original Real American Hero series
• Stamped with the IDW Limited Red Foil Imprint
• Red satin ribbon bookmark
This is G.I. JOE like you’ve never seen it before. Presenting the full run of the original Real American Hero, Special Missions, and Yearbook tales, placed in proper reading order and collected in handsome hardcover volumes. Presiding over this project is legendary pop-culture aficionado Mark W. Bellomo.
Check out the latest Contest on the YoJoe Contest Page and good luck!

by generalsjoes | Jan 2, 2014 | Comics and Cartoons, Film, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation, G.I. Joe 3, G.I. Joe Battleground, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Comics, G.I. Joe Kre-O, G.I. Joe Retaliation Toys, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, G.I. Joe: The Movie, IDW
The dichotomy between 2013 and this upcoming new year couldn’t have been more stark than it was when I was researching the Top 10 biggest news stories for the past year. We went from anticipating a new film, lots of new Hasbro release toys, the emergence of Kre-O, and many other potential new G.I. Joe events from the upcoming year to a year of total uncertainty.
Today marks the beginning of the 50th Anniversary of the G.I. Joe brand, a brand steeped in history and cultural relevance, and it seems to be a real shame that such an event would go mostly ignored by Hasbro, who wouldn’t exist as an entity today without G.I. Joe’s presence throughout the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s. A damn shame that nearly four full decades of success relegates a once remarkable brand to the potential dustbins of history and pop culture insignificance. G.I. Joe as a brand helped build you, Hasbro. It would be nice if you would at least spend some efforts trying to return the favor.
Rant over. 🙂
Click the “Continue Reading” link below to see my list of the Top 10 biggest G.I. Joe news stories of 2013, let’s all cross our fingers that there are enough reasons to be writing up a similar list this time next year!
by generalsjoes | Dec 31, 2013 | Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comic Reviews, G.I. Joe Comics, G.I. Joe Reviews, IDW
Today marks the first issue of Paul Allor’s four issue run on G.I. Joe, and he goes in a little bit of a different direction than we saw Fred Van Lente throughout the first eleven issues.
While much of Van Lente’s run focused on the mainstream G.I. Joe team with lots of all out action, Allor’s first issue is decidedly Cobra themed, with more than its fair share of exposition. A very interesting dichotomy from the first eleven issues.
Ultimately, how successful is it? The full review is below.
by generalsjoes | Dec 31, 2013 | 5 Page Previews, Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
As mentioned yesterday, the latest issue of IDW Publishing’s flagship G.I. Joe title should be hitting comic shops today with the holiday tomorrow, and it’s the first issue of the latest season without Fred VanLente at the helm. Taking over for him is Paul Allor, who is doing a four issue arc, starting that arc off with a look at past iterations of Cobra Commander.
Check out the preview below!
G.I. Joe #12
Paul Allor (w) • Alex Cal, S L Gallant, Atilio Rojo, Nicole Virella (p) • Steve Kurth (c)
The Secret History of COBRA! In the aftermath of COBRA’s New York attack, BARONESS leads a new up-and-coming officer called SIREN around the world—and into the past! SIREN uncovers the secrets of the previous COBRA COMMANDERs—and comes face-to-face with the ruthless current one!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
- An all-star line-up of G.I. JOE artists reveal the origins of previous COBRA COMMANDERS!
- Writer Paul Allor (TMNT Micro-series: Shredder) reveals ancient COBRA secrets!
- Variant Cover by Freddie Williams III!
by generalsjoes | Dec 30, 2013 | Comics and Cartoons, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Comics, IDW
With the holiday week this week, we’re getting new comic day a day early, and tomorrow marks the first issue of “Season 3” of the IDW G.I. Joe title without Fred VanLente at the helm.
Taking over for a quartet of issues is Paul Allor, and he speaks with good friend of GeneralsJoes Brian Truitt from USA Today about the catalyst for his first issue.
Who else but Cobra Commander would serve as a good jumping off point for the G.I. Joe writer over the next four issues? Allor explores the various iterations of Cobra Commander throughout history, and has some pretty interesting insight.
Check out the full interview on USA Today, along with the preview of G.I. Joe #12. Then come back to GeneralsJoes tomorrow for a review of the issue!