by generalsjoes | Mar 24, 2014 | Behind the Curtain, Dio-Stories, G.I. Joe
In case you hadn’t noticed, I’d officially announced the begin date of my next Dio-Story “Darkness Falls” via YouTube, and I’ve been working hard continuously since then to make sure that deadline is met.
If you’ve been wondering why some FSS Reviews have lagged behind, well hopefully that provides some insight. 🙂
As part of my work on the Darkness Falls dio-story, I dove headlong into set building once again, which was something I only touched on briefly in previous stories. This time around I ventured into the Facebook Group depths, hitting up the DioStructure group, and immediately was inspired. I posted this article over on JoeCustoms first, because I’ve been soliciting advice from many of those great customizers, and I think they helped me develop this Cobra Compound into what it is. But now I think enough time has passed that I can post it up here as well in case anyone has missed it. Read the full story to see the run down!
by generalsjoes | Mar 2, 2014 | Dio-Stories, G.I. Joe
I’m just going to leave this right here…
If you want to get caught up, don’t forget to check out the GeneralsJoes Dio-Story Page and see what leads up to this point!
by generalsjoes | Feb 28, 2014 | Comics and Cartoons, Dio-Stories, Film, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Comics, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, Other Toys, Podcasts
As excited as many Real American Hero fans were about some of the announcements at Toy Fair a short while ago, there is a segment of the community that felt a little bit left out. So when three representatives from that community invited me onto their podcast to chat about Toy Fair reveals, I jumped at the chance, eager to see their perspective. It certainly helps that Barry, Tod, and Dave are all great guys who are really closely invested in the G.I. Joe fandom and do regular work for the G.I. Joe Collectors Club!
Well, I couldn’t have had a better time. All three of them are veritable geek experts (as listeners of their podcast can certainly attest to) and we talked about everything from G.I. Joe’s 50th Anniversary to Guardians of the Galaxy, Harold Ramis, and many other things in between. It was a blast.
And folks looking for information about my dio-story may want to listen to… I break a bit of news on that front as well. 🙂
Heck, we even talk a little bit about the Adventure Team Chronicles and “Shattered Glass” concept, considering podcast host Tod Pleasant is the writer of that particular adventure.
You can find the latest episode over on iTunes, and the show notes are below.
In 1964 Hasbro introduced G.I. Joe, America’s Movable Fighting Man, and the Action Figure was born. As fans of G.I. Joe gear up to recognize their plastic hero’s golden anniversary, controversy, Joe’s frequent companion, one again makes an appearance. Is Hasbro giving Joe his due? Barry, Dave and Tod, the Regular Joes are joined by Justin Bell from the What’s on Joe Mind podcast to talk it out. Also, a salute to the late great Harold Ramis, with movie picks, and another round of Who Would Win in a Fight. Yo Joe!
Regular Joes

by generalsjoes | Feb 3, 2014 | Dio-Stories, G.I. Joe
I did a major overhaul of my dio-story section last week, but in some cases (most notably the G.I. Joe and The Transformers story as well as the Miscellaneous stories) the navigation was still weird, with the “Previous” and “Next” links being above the images.
I have made some further CSS adjustments so the navigation for those other sections now match the GeneralsJoes section with the big “PREV” and “NEXT” arrows at the bottom of the page.
Sorry for any inconvenience, hopefully this will further enhance the enjoyment of these stories! 🙂
Be sure to follow the links in the drop down above, or the links below to check this all out:
by generalsjoes | Dec 10, 2012 | Behind the Curtain, Customs, Dio-Stories, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero
As folks who have been paying attention probably know, I’ve been actively working on my next Dio-Story for several months at this p0int. I even documented some of the set building process in my “Behind the Curtain” series for this Dio-Story. I was feeling really good about how things were coming along and anticipated having much of the filming done at this point and ready to hopefully launch the dio-story by the end of the year.
Then the house move came about… and I haven’t mentioned this to too many folks yet, but in the process of moving, the load in the U Haul truck shifted, and almost all of my constructed dio sets were destroyed. My Cobra Temple awesomely constructed by Eric “Capolan” Vaughn? Crushed. The Cobra Commander throne room so crucial to the climax of the story? Done.
It was pretty depressing.
But I’m determined to continue moving forward on this, and as part of that, I’m reconstructing the interior to the Cobra Temple, going in a slightly different direction. Capolan’s Temple set was fantastic. I absolutely loved it, and it served me great, but as the story of Darkness Falls has evolved in my head, I needed a little bit more size and scope, so I started from scratch to rebuild the internal lobby of the temple. Yes, this means there will likely be some design differences and inconsistencies throughout the scope of the story, but I’m hoping some suspension of disbelief will allow folks to overlook that and just appreciate the story.
To give folks a bit of a taste of this new Cobra Interior, I documented the process, which will hopefully give people something to hold them over until Darkness Falls launches. Though that launch probably won’t happen until next year at this point. Click the “Read the Rest of the Story” link below to check out the process of constructing this new Cobra Temple interior.
by generalsjoes | Sep 24, 2012 | Comics and Cartoons, Dio-Stories, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Comics, G.I. Joe Toys
I will say first of all, this is a direct response to the excellent write up by zedhatch (Toxie’s Universe on Twitter) over at The Terror Drome where he analyzes where Dio-Stories were in the fandom several years ago, where they are now, and exactly what happened along the way.
Zed has been doing dio-stories for a very long time, and has some good insight and experience on the subject, but I figure, considering what my own situation is and has been that I would write a companion piece to respond to some of this points and possibly bring up some of my own.
Click the Read the Rest of the Story link below for the full article, and thanks to Zed and The Terror Drome for speaking about this. It’s a subject that is obviously near and dear to my heart, and something I’ve been struggling with for a few years, so I love having the opportunity to read (and respond) about it.