by generalsjoes | Jun 22, 2014 | Dio-Stories, G.I. Joe
The Dio-Story adventure “Darkness Falls” continues its weekly updates today with the twelfth installment in its action-packed adventure. The G.I. Joe team brings the fight right to Cobra’s front door, much to Claymoore and Skullbuster’s dismay!
Follow the adventures on the Darkness Falls page, or through the link directly below:

by generalsjoes | Jun 15, 2014 | Dio-Stories, G.I. Joe
The battle intensifies as G.I. Joe brings the “thunder” to Cobra’s doorstep! The latest episode of Darkness Falls is now online in the Darkness Falls section, or linked directly below!

by generalsjoes | Jun 8, 2014 | Dio-Stories, G.I. Joe
I knew when I did the layout for Episode 10, it would be a quick one, so with the titles being part of the same concept, I elected to do a “two for one” update today. Also, it celebrates the fact that as of this weekend I have finished principle photography on the Darkness Falls story!
Still a mountain of Photoshop, dialogue, and polish, but the raw photographs themselves are finished. It’s been a long road, but I’m very excited that the time has finally come to share this story that’s been brewing in my head for a few years now. Hopefully it lives up to the hype. Check out my Darkness Falls section, or click the links below for the latest two episodes.

by generalsjoes | Jun 1, 2014 | Dio-Stories, G.I. Joe
Things are heating up as Cobra brings the full brunt of their forces to meet the G.I. Joe team head on! Meanwhile, Barrel Roll and Zartan solve their differences…
Check out the Darkness Falls section, or click the direct link below:

by generalsjoes | May 26, 2014 | Dio-Stories, G.I. Joe
Family events took me away from my computer most of the day yesterday, so I didn’t get a chance to get a Darkness Falls update posted, but I’ve had some time this morning, so here is Episode 7!
As the G.I. Joe team moves closer to the Cobra Temple, the evil snakes make their first big move. Blood will be shed! Check it out in the Darkness Falls section, or the link below.

by generalsjoes | May 18, 2014 | Dio-Stories, G.I. Joe
First blood is shed! The Amazon jungle is swarming with unpleasant creatures, and the G.I. Joe advanced scout team runs into some of them…
Check out the Darkness Falls Dio-Story section, or just follow the link below to check it out:

Note – A recent WordPress/Webcomic update has kind of screwed up the navigation alignment. I am working on fixing it, but hopefully it’s functional enough to use. I didn’t want to hold off posting the new episode, and I will do my best to get it fixed. If there are any CSS wizards in the house, I wouldn’t turn down the help. 😉