by generalsjoes | Sep 11, 2017 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club
In the rush of HasCon news, the G.I. Joe Collectors Club dropped a little reveal showcasing what looks to be their first in hand samples of upcoming Figure Subscription Service 6.0 figures.
Dojo, Sub Zero and Skip were shown on the G.I. Joe Collectors Club Facebook page and can be seen below:

Things look like they’re coming together fairly nicely. Skip’s build isn’t bad, though I’m not wild about that webgear riding up on his torso. Sub Zero is decent enough, though that parka tooling is pretty restrictive. I understand the desire to give him his hood, but there are times when it’s okay to modernize someone’s look to improve functionality.
Dojo looks pretty good in the background there, too, and I think he’ll look pretty awesome alongside TJBang from the 2014 Convention set.
Good to see things are coming along.
by generalsjoes | Aug 7, 2017 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, Podcasts, SDCC
More great G.I. Joe news than you can shake a stick at! The Full Force is online with their latest episode (Series 4, Episode 3 to be precise) and they are unraveling the latest news from San Diego ComicCon as well as an exclusive interview with the folks behind the latest awesome action figure Kickstarter – Zombie Lab! Myself and Boss Fight’s Dave Proctor join Chris to talk to Andy and Alex and get the skinny behind the action figure Kickstarter going on right now!
Lots of great content to digest with this one from lots of awesome contributors including G.I. Joe artist Adam Riches, collector supreme Troy McKie and those awesome dudes from across the pond Dave Tree and Eddie Inman. Of course Chris does a great job running the show as always.
Check out The Full Force on Facebook for show notes and other great stuff, and the podcast episode can be accessed from Podbean, or embedded below.

by generalsjoes | Jul 19, 2017 | Boss Fight Studio, G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, G.I. Joe Convention, G.I. Joe Toys, JoeCon 2017, Podcasts
The Full Force has launched their latest episode, and it’s a big ‘un!
Nearly four action-packed hours of G.I. Joe talk post JoeCon with the latest news and intel, as well as an interview with Boss Fight Studio’s own Andrew and Erik to talk about Bucky O’Hare and all sorts of other awesome stuff.
But wait… there’s another pretty massive surprise… Hasbro Vice President, Global Brand Management Derryl DePriest himself also joins the show! What did I tell you? It’s a big one!
Check it out over on the Full Force Podbean Page as well as embedded below.
by generalsjoes | Jul 6, 2017 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club, JoeCon 2017, Podcasts
The 2017 G.I. Joe Convention is over and Chris from The Full Force Podcast has pulled together a panel of experts to talk about what was shown, what was seen and what exciting things happened during the week down in Disney.
Join Chris, Troy and IDW artist extraordinaire Adam Riches as they discuss the trials and tribulations of JoeCon 2017. Check out The Full Force on Facebook, or just hit up the podbean page below.

by generalsjoes | May 31, 2017 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club
I’ll admit… I was feeling pretty lukewarm about the majority of the FSS 6 reveals, with the first half of the figures shown feeling somewhat lackluster.
But over the past week or so, the Collectors Club has shown the back half of the latest Figure Subscription Service and things have taken a decided turn for the better. While not all home runs, there has been a distinct upward trend which is nice to see.

We all know who this guy is, and why he must not be named…interesting choice for the head sculpt and I do like the armored torso, though the scarf looks a little sketchy. It will likely look better in production, but this one isn’t wowing me.

Okay, this one is a head scratcher. I’m not entirely sure why Windmill was tops of anyone’s list for an FSS figure anyway, but especially not the Funskool deco version. I’m not crazy about the parts here and the dated 25th Anniversary vest leaves me cold. The dual purpose head sculpt for BattleForce: 2000 and Windmill makes a certain amount of sense, but again, I can think of several characters that needed revisiting before this guy.

Now Rampart looks pretty great. The Collectors Club is further developing the 1990 roster nicely, and I’m glad to see this guy here. I will not rest until Captain Grid-Iron shows up though. #GridIronForLife

Ehh… I dunno. I love the classic WORMS, it’s one of my all time favorite COBRA vehicle drivers, but the modern officer style jacket just seems broad and bloated. I get what they were going for here, but not real wild about the final execution.

Excellent. More love for new Devil’s Due characters is always good. Yes, I realize she’s not really a new character, she’s just Oktober Guard’s Daina in a new outfit, but it’s still a nice looking figure, and I dig the parts choices. It’s a shame there wasn’t a way to include her unique hat, but I still think the figure as a whole looks pretty great.

Yes. Yes. YES. I’m pretty sure I’ve put The Plague down on my convention survey nearly every year since they first debuted, and Guillotine is a fantastic place to start. I’m desperately hoping this is an indication of more Plague members still to come and if so, this is a heck of a nice start. Great looking figure and a nice way to round off the FSS reveals.
And in case you missed it, the Club also threw a new vest and scarf on Cross Hair, which I am fully in support of:

So… FSS 6.0 ends up strong, though I’m still not sure I can justify the expense. With shipping we’re talking around $450 which is far from pocket change, especially as newly tooled parts continue to be reduced. Many of the figures shown here lack that “collector” mentality of extra paint decos or new parts which were used as justifications for higher prices in the past. Yes, I realize that everything costs, and producing these things aren’t cheap, but seeing costs increase while our bang for the buck decreases doesn’t leave the best taste in my mouth.
That being said, if you like what you see, more power to you, hit up the Figure Subscription Service page to buy ’em up! Then let me know if you want to sell your Guillotine afterwards… 😉
by generalsjoes | May 23, 2017 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe Collectors Club
So I’ve fallen a bit behind on the FSS 6.0 reveals and the Club has kept pushing them out fast and furious. Along with Sub Zero, we’ve now seen the following:
Night Stalker Commander

Based off of the Collectors’ Club’s own 2007 Night Stalker Commander from that year’s Convention Set, it’s a repaint and slight rebuild of their female COBRA Trooper.

Using Tollbooth’s head and a nice mix of somewhat recent parts (at least from the waist up, though honestly, those later generation Zap legs ain’t half bad). This is one of the better reveals so far!

I always love seeing some of the new blood from the 2002 – 2005 era getting some plastic love, but this one isn’t real pretty. That vest is too small and rides way too high. I can think of several alternatives that would have worked better. And what’s up with the black collar?

Yay, Z-Force! Any excuse to get some cool Z-Force figures are good ones, and Skip looks pretty sharp. I would have loved a head that allowed for a removable beret, but this is cool, too.

The colors match up, and he’ll look really good next to TJBang. I don’t really get the use of the Storm Shadow torso underneath the webgear, and it feels like there’s a little too much going on there. I can think of a few different purposes for that wacky head sculpt, too…
So far we’re halfway through the reveals for the latest Figure Subscription Service… a pretty eclectic group of characters this time around, that’s for sure.