by generalsjoes | May 8, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Toys, G.I. Joe: Resolute
Forgive me if this is old news, I’m starting to lose track with all of these upcoming items flying in all directions… I believe Black Sheep Toy Store on eBay has posted a pair of new items, Resolute Baroness and the upcoming Alley-Viper from the Defense of COBRA Island 7-Pack. The Buy it Now prices have gone up to $29.99, but the images are still of great quality, so you should definitely check out the store.
The fact that he has more than 10 available for the Resolute Baroness makes me feel a bit better about the possibility of seeing some of these figures down the road, but time will tell. Check out the images mirrored below.
Thanks to Smokescreen from for the info.
by generalsjoes | May 8, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Toys
Continuing the recent trend, has some great images of soon-to-be released items up on their message boards. This time around are some terrific shots of the upcoming vehicles, including the Arctic HISS, the Stinger, and the FLAK vs. CLAW 2-pack! Check out the thread here, or see the images mirrored below.
Thanks to cmderinchief of JoeBattleLines and the Coil Club for the info.
by generalsjoes | May 7, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Toys
madmac over at JoeBattleLines is pretty much the biggest Outback fan there is, so as can be imagined, he’s had his ups and downs over the past few months. Anyway, he managed to get a pre-production Outback in his grubby little hands, and slapped up a mini-review over on JoeBattleLines. Check it out!
by generalsjoes | May 7, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Toys
Yeesh, these images are hitting everywhere… packaged and loose pictures of the two upcoming Assault and Defense of COBRA Island 7-Packs are starting to hit pretty much every site on the ‘net. Man do these things look great. Items of note… Chuckles now has his proper light blue shirt! Outback appears to be in a Night Force uniform, since the regular version is hitting with the FLAK after all. Strato-Viper is now being called “Air Viper”, and the Dr. Mindbender looks considerably different than he did in promo pictures. Where it looked like he had a lot of new tooling in the promotional images, these more recent pics show Gung Ho’s torso and the Crimson Guard legs. Some curious choices, but they work, ultimately.
Overall, I’m happy with what I’m seeing here. Hasbro managed to knock out a huge chunk of a lot of “want lists” with these two 7-packs, but still left enough up in the air to keep folks hanging for those vintage homages. A neat formula. Probably the two gems of these two packs to me (besides Hit and Run. WOOt we’re getting a Hit and Run!!! 😀 ) would be Zap and Alley-Viper. It takes a lot to make an Original 13 guy appeal to me, but Zap rocks my world. Those twin holsters are too cool, and even though his uniform is relatively simple, it manages to be crammed with nice little details. Love that figure. Alley-Viper…well, I can’t really say enough about that one. He is pure beauty. Enough of the words, though, check out the pictoral goodness:
by generalsjoes | May 7, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Toys
So far still no word on whether or not these will officially be released, but cmderinchief got his hands on Wave 3 of the Combat Heroes sets and shared some images with The Terror Drome. Check out the mirrored images below.
by generalsjoes | May 5, 2009 | G.I. Joe, G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, G.I. Joe Toys
HissTank has received some very high res, nice clean pics of the upcoming Arctic Hiss w/ Hiss Commander action figure. While I personally don’t have much use for another HISS, I can’t deny that this vehicle (and figure) looks downright bad ass. A very nice job, even with only some minor tooling additions. The Stinger’s an absolute must buy, but this one ain’t so bad itself. Check out the thread here, and I’ve also mirrored the images below.