I may not know what all of the different classes of characters in Dungeons and Dragons mean, but when I hear about a new guy coming out who is a “Dragon Priest”? Yeah, I think I’m interested! And Lord Vehemous did NOT let me down. This is one of (if not the) best figure I’ve seen in the Vitruvian HACKS line to date, which when you look at all of the others, is really saying something.
Now, as others have mentioned, he does re-use the Spartan Warrior head sculpt, but honestly, with the gray hair and the scar on the left eye, it’s hardly noticeable. It’s a head sculpt with a ton of character and suits this guy perfectly. His upper torso is brand new, a similar style of armor to what the Knights of Accord have, but with a raised collar, and some different patterning in the armored plate. The coolest thing, though, is you can tell this guy has been through the ringer. The armor is dented and dinged and has been abused over the years, either in battles against other humans, or perhaps against battles with the dragons themselves.
He uses the Knight’s arms and lower body, though the lower body is covered with a great new skirt sort of thing that is exceptionally well designed. It’s sculpted and swept in just a way to not hinder much articulation and really adds some great flair and style to the overall figure. Even the parts that are existing are given a fantastic worn paint scheme that make them look completely different from the more solid, brushed metal look of the standard Knights of Accord.
The way the parts are used and the paint applications are, this looks like an old, beat up warrior, which is a fantastic representation of Lord Vehemous, and matches the excellent character bio perfectly.
Rather than the typical shoulder pads we’ve seen on other figures, Vehemous comes with a fur shoulder of sorts (the same one that looks to come with the upcoming Naga) but he comes with two of them, and they fit on his shoulders to give him an arctic appearance, especially when combined with the Orc fur cape. It’s almost like they were all designed together (and perhaps they were). The combination of fur collar and cape are one small element in this perfectly designed figure, and I hope we have more opportunities to get them down the line. Somehow, I foresee myself ending up with a few more Vehemous figures (his biography mentions that he has followers, after all), and the extra skull head that comes with the figure supports the idea that perhaps his followers are more paranormal in nature. Either that, or perhaps, just like the Knights of Asperity, some of Vehemous’ legion end up too close to the Blasted Land and come back… changed?
Regardless, I can see myself getting more of this figure and swapping out some shoulder pads and heads to add some nice variety to a whole group of Dragon Priests or Dragon Knights. Good stuff.
Vehemous is loaded with new accessories. Along with the fur collars and skirting, he’s got the familiar Orc hammer handle, but with a chain link and mace, putting together a spectacular ball and chain. He has the Felonious’s Mage staff in white which can also fit the barbarian mace head to make a brutal cudgel of sorts. He has the sword from the Knight of Asperity and the knife from Felonious with a new knife sheath that fits at his hip (or can be swapped out with the closed magic book he comes with as well). His excellent Dragon Knight Helmet has seen release previously with the Evil Skeleton, the Mystery Box and Locker Toys’ Hidden Character, but that makes it no less cool here, and it adds a real sense of menace and evil.
This is a terrific figure, an awesome antagonist, and pretty close to my favorite Vitruvian HACKS figure of all time. There are a LOT of fantastic figures in the HACKS line, to be sure, and one that rises above the rest is one that you should pay close attention to. This guy is it.
Lord Vehemous
Paint Deco
Lord Vehemous is everything I want in an action figure. Fantastic sculpting from the worn armor on his torso, to the sweep of his coat and the fur lined shoulder pads leading perfectly down to the Orc fur cape. Using a healthy helping of Knight parts, yet painting them in a way to look worn and almost completely different, this figure manages to stand out from a crowd of already spectacular figures. Wonderful accessories, including an actual metal chain to create the mace, a gray-bearded face only a mother could love (no I don’t mind that they reused the Spartan Warrior head, it looks terrific). I love the Dragon Helmet…everything about this figure is about as perfect as it gets. Buy this one. Buy this one and buy a dozen more to use as Dragon minions. You will NOT regret it.
During the frenzy of the holiday season, the folks from Boss Fight offered a special exclusive Advent “Mystery Box” filled with some great Vitruvian HACKS related product. Now, with huge thanks to YoJoe member plastica, we’ve got a great look at what was inside.
I admit the title makes little sense. BUT back almost two months ago from December 6 to December 26th Boss Fight Studios had several special deals on various days most of which were one day only deals (though one deal of 15% off on all accessory sets they launched half a day early which threw me off a little.
I made use of a few of the deals (including the 15% off deal) BUT for most of us the crème de la crème was set for December 26 known in some countries as Boxing Day (and no I don’t think it’s a reference to a good ol bout between the late Muhammed Ali and Smoking Joe Frasier). This deal was for a Mystery Box that cost fifty dollars but was guaranteed to have at least $50 worth of merchandise in it.
They delivered. I actually did up a mockup of what some of the more obvious items would have cost before shipping and it was almost eighty-eight dollars.
What came in the Box well that’s the reveal part.
The First was a Decal Set. Boss Fight released a previous version so that collectors could customize the shields available in the series 1 accessory sets. This one though is a new version which includes a couple different decals for the Series 2 Knights Shields and a decal for the Series 2 Knight Standard which will come with Lance Steelblade and is already available in a couple of Character Creator Kits which are the Series 2 equivalent to the accessory sets but are geared more towards certain types of characters
Speaking of the Series 1 Accessory Sets here is one now. In this case Emerald Green Set A. From what I saw on Facebook some got Set B.
Another obvious one. A Chrome blank. When the original blanks came out they were poly bagged with a hanger tag on top but starting with the Chrome blanks they switched to boxes. Mine is female but from what I saw on Facebook some received Male blanks.
These are Blind Bag mini kits that are available on the website even now. In these you get parts in black, red, or white to make Anubis, a Boxer, a Crustacean, an Old One (what some refer to as a Cthulhu) a Robot, or even a Rodent. There is no way of knowing what is actually inside unless you open them up. (I haven’t opened mine yet). The only sure-fire way to ensure you get what you want is to order a case of them which I initially did.
This one isn’t as obvious but in looking at it this bag contains an Evil Skeleton Accessory Set. The Evil Skeleton was a special release Vitruvian Basics figure that was available for a very short time around Halloween. Unfortunately I missed my chance to get one at that time (it sold out quick). Back in December one of the deals Boss Fight had was where if you bought any two skeletons (blanks or carded) get a free evil skeleton accessory set. I took advantage of the deal.
This one actually required two pictures since you couldn’t immediately tell the contents by looking at the bag. BUT when spread out you can see what looks like an Orc Helmet, an Orc Hammer, Orc Belt, Orc Sword, and Orc Shoulder pads and belt pads. It also has four arrows that came with the Series 2 Aiyana the Autumn Elf Archer and the Vitruvian Basics Archer of Molpadia And will also come with Aspen the Spring Elven Archer though the quiver is actually the Elven Bolt Quiver that came with Cerisier the Sakura Elven Assassin. While the same quiver came with Narissa the Leader of the Withered Branch I can tell by color that this quiver came with Cerisier
This one I was able to immediately recognize as the chest armor, shield, and short sword and scabbard to the Myrmidon Warrior. From what I saw on FB some received a Myrmex shield.
Another easy one Glorious Gold versions of the Athenian Armor and the Myrmidon Helmet. These accessories were not part of the boxed A/B Accessory sets but were originally available back Easter Weekend in orange plastic Easter Eggs and in October were made available online as part of accessory Enhancement sets. As of the mid to late December the Cobalt Blue, Emerald Green and yes Glorious Gold Enhancement Packs were still available but Aged Steel has sold out.
This one is a little harder to recognize but it’s two potion bottles and a Flame which originally came with Felonious the Wandering Mage (though the colors are different and so far, exclusive to this mystery box).
Ah yes, a Skeleton. Mine is a Gray Skeleton but from what I saw on Facebook some received a black skeleton. I probably could use this with the Evil Skeleton accessories above though it wouldn’t be a true Evil Skeleton (the original Evil Skeleton base figure was a Warrior Skeleton).
The Berzerker Gorgon. The result of an interesting experiment to see what would happen if Eurayle had her sister Stheno infuse one of Euryale’s precious Disciple’s with her venom. Not a bad figure really for a male Gorgon. It’s a cool looking figure. I have a few others and my original Berzerker Gorgon has a cool looking difference from the original. A couple of my online friends thought it looked cool so I didn’t bother to file a report with Boss Fight and chose to live with it When you think about it in reality not every Berzerker Gorgon would have looked exactly the same as it is.
Now this is humorous. If receiving a mystery box is achievement #16 what were the first fifteen achievements supposed to be?
OK I posted these three pictures together for Historical purposes. The left-hand picture above contains most of the accessories to an initial test run for the ghost light accessory set. The other two pictures had they been in a box would constitute what we actually got in the Ghost Light set. The unproduced whiter sets were made available in smaller pieces in the periodic blind bag runs that Boss Fight does sometimes.
All in all what was my impression of the mystery box.
Well I was very impressed. Back shortly before Christmas I started a thread on Facebook trying to see if I could get some kind of a clue from Boss Fight on what might be in the boxes but nobody officially commented. Word was sent out a week or so before they shipped that they were waiting for an item to come in that was slated for the Mystery Box. Some people thought it was a few items from Felonious BUT I’m thinking it might have been the Decal Sheet since I bought the original version last summer and it looked different then what was in the box.
IF I was to give this a star rating it would be
Five Stars.
Though I admit it would be hard to do a full-scale rating since there are so many different parts to it.
A couple of weeks back, I posted an honest and forthright update on GeneralsJoes and how my priorities were shaping up. I had elected to relax on the toy stuff for a bit and refocus my energies on writing.
To my pleasant surprise, everyone was extremely supportive. A few folks (Josh, Almon, and Ken you guys ROCK) have even stepped up to volunteer to help with coverage on the site. It’s been pretty amazing.
Now many of the supportive messages I received wished me luck on my writing endeavors and wanting me to focus on things that made me happy. To that end, I did want to take a moment to announce that I’m running a Kickstarter campaign for a new Crime/Thriller novel and if you enjoy what I’ve done with my dio-stories and Kindle Worlds fiction, I think you’ll really love this, too. I’m actually already over halfway through it, there are a measly two weeks left, and I stand at 66% funded. Lots of awesome friends and thriller lovers have stepped up and things have moved along great, but I’d love a boost as we move forward towards a big finish.
If you’re interested in supporting me or my writing, or even just want a kick ass new thriller novel to read, please consider backing the project. I think anyone reading this will really enjoy it, and it would mean a TON to me personally to be able to bring this project to life.
Thank you all so much. Back to your regularly scheduled toy news! 🙂
Duck Duck Goose is a crime/thriller featuring female protagonist Rosa “Goose” Guzman and is the beginning of a new chapter for me as an author with a shift towards realistic thrillers in the vein of Lee Child’s Jack Reacher and James Patterson’s Alex Cross.
Rosa Guzman is a child of the streets of Springfield, Massachusetts who has been working her whole life to distance herself from her criminal past. Once a member of an East Coast gang, then enlisted in the United States Army, Rosa keeps on running into obstacles on her quest for redemption. Discharged from the military and back in her old neighborhood she now works as a Fugitive Recovery Agent, operating alongside law enforcement to locate and bring in criminals and fugitives from justice.
When a real estate mogul and local businessman enlists her aid in finding a former employee, Rosa gets embroiled in a sinister cover up and is thrust back into her old life, reliving painful old memories. As she is drawn deeper into this conspiracy, uncomfortable truths emerge between her and the man she’s been paid to find, and the secrets buried there will change her life forever.
It’s officially the final year for the G.I. Joe Convention, and the Collectors Club has released their convention brochure featuring the theme for the Con, as well as some of the figures we can expect.
Okay, up front, I gotta say… not a big fan of getting further exposure to both of those subteams, which have already been done to death in the past, however, based on the figure roster it seems like there’s a good chance we’ll see the TRU deco for the Python Patrol, which is my personal favorite.
Also, looks like we’ll be getting Sgt. Smasher, a potential repaint for Sgt. Slaughter (and a way to repurpose the SDCC exclusive maybe?) as well as Hardball. On the 12″ side, there looks to be a Green Beret Machine Gun Outpost.
Check out the full details in the Convention Brochure and stay tuned for more info still to come for the final JoeCon in Chattanooga!
One of Larry Hama’s other brainchildren, Bucky O’Hare has recently undergone an action figure resurgence with thanks to Boss Fight Studio. Their unique combination of animated styles and crazy sculpting & articulation has completely reinvented the property and catapulted it into the 21st Century.
Now, there are two more pre-orders up and ready for launch, including a super limited edition “Holiday Bucky” repaint limited to only a few hundred pieces. Don’t miss out!