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IDW Publishing Prepares for the launch of a brand-new G.I. Joe!

Yes, I’m a little late to the table on this one, what with new G.I. Joe writer Paul Allor sharing plenty of #GIJonday images on his Twitter account, but for anyone who isn’t already aware, IDW Publishing is launching a brand new G.I. Joe title this September!

Looking at things from the perspective of COBRA ruling the world, this new series sees the G.I. Joe team taking to the streets, fighting back against the power of COBRA Commander and the ruling class. So far, the designs look like a lot of fun, taking some obvious cues from the vintage looks, but adding a nice little twist to things.

The ashcan has also been released, which has revealed the first few pages of the comic. It’s available for Pre-Order now through Diamond and your favorite comic stores, so show some support for G.I. Joe… by the sounds of things, they’re up against a wall!

Check out some of the images below, and follow Paul Allor on Twitter for some of the latest reveals.

Five-Page Preview (Courtesy of Westfield Comics)

Images shared via #GIJonday

GeneralsJoes – Reborn!

Well, it’s been an interesting several months, I’ll give you that.

To tell the truth, I’ve written this post many times since last August, and deleted it many times, simply because I’m a bit stubborn and reluctant to accept defeat.  And to a point, when it comes to GeneralsJoes, I’ve had to (temporarily) accept defeat.

A few years back, I accepted an offer from the owner of YoJoe to host GeneralsJoes on their infrastructure to reduce hosting fees, and also agreed to a small monthly stipend for the immense amount of work that goes into writing the reviews and posting news.

Well, without getting in the muck too deep, the monthly stipend never really materialized fully and while I was happy to let GeneralsJoes live on the YoJoe servers, it didn’t save me a whole lot of work or money in the long run.

Fast forward to last year, when YoJoe was bought by a new corporation– who promptly cut off all FTP access.

For anyone who isn’t in the know, without FTP access I essentially cannot upload images, download images, or access much of my old content.  GeneralsJoes is, essentially, stuck in its current state.  I cannot migrate it to my own host, I cannot post new reviews, I cannot post new blogs or news stories (at least if I want to include images).

I have repeatedly sent requests for this access to be restored and have been basically told “sorry”.  It is what it is.

But my purpose here isn’t to talk crap about the new YoJoe owners, my purpose here is to start “fresh” (or as fresh as possible).  With a new mobile game incoming, movie news starting to flutter to the surface, and frequent podcast updates with The Full Force, I have decided to “reboot” GeneralsJoes so to speak.  All of the archival data will remain at the old URL (in the menu up above for helpful navigation) but I’ll be posting as much new content here at GeneralsJoesReborn as possible.  Will it ever be as frequent or as current as GeneralsJoes was back in the day?  Probably not, but I’m going to have some fun with it anyway.

Stay tuned… definitely more to come!


New G.I. Joe Concept Art an indication of upcoming mobile game?

Maybe I’m jumping the gun here, but big thanks to skinny on Twitter who pointed me in the direction of a concept artist named Juan Richard Feliz, who has posted some very interesting Visual Development art for a mystery project entitled G.I. Joe Squads.  There is no real information about what this is for (whether it’s even work-for-hire professional work or his own experiments) but judging by other work throughout the site, he seems to be a concept artist for mobile and video games.

Several pieces of art are visible, including some really great, fun looking concepts for characters like Duke, Deep Six, Scarlett, Doc, Lady Jaye, Snake Eyes, COBRA Commander, Destro, Zarana, Baroness, Serpentor, and a COBRA B.A.T.  Not sure about anyone else, but these designs are kinda right up my alley.

There are also some images of backdrops or scenery, which also seems to lend credence to the fact that these may be video game or mobile game related.  Check out all of the nifty concept art over at Juan Richard Feliz’s website, and I’ve also mirrored the images below.  Cool stuff, be interesting to see what (if anything) comes of it.

What’s on Joe Mind jumps back into the pool!

It’s been a little while since the fine folks of the What’s on Joe Mind podcast have blessed the G.I. Joe community with their presence, and in the past few months, a few things have changed with WOJM.

I’m thrilled to report, though, that the WOJM crew is BACK and bringing fresh audio gold to the masses.  Mike is joined by cosplay master Joe Colton and 3DJoes mastermind Carson, tossing out two brand-spanking new episodes!  One of them recaps the final JoeCon and the second is from the floor of Ohio Toy & Comic Show.  It’s fantastic to hear the guys (and girls) of WOJM back and you should absolutely give them a listen.  Also, make sure you’re following along on Facebook for the latest news and info about the podcast!

What’s on Joe Mind 2018 JoeCon Wrap Up Show

What’s on Joe Mind Ohio Toy & Comic Show Spectacular

Once again – fantastic to see everyone back behind the microphone, check out the latest episodes right here and now!  Good stuff from the fine folks at What’s on Joe Mind.

Marauder “Agency Ops” first samples are blowing my mind

Can I just say what an awesome time it is to be a 1:18 scale action figure junkie?  I mean seriously.

I see G.I. Joe fans gnashing their teeth about no Joes at retail, but holy cow when I see stuff like this, suddenly it’s not so painful.

Marauder is over in China at the moment, and I gotta believe he pulled these samples straight from the factory, and I am SO glad he did.  I don’t know if I could be any more in love with four inch pieces of plastic than I am right now.  Just a simple dude in a t-shirt with elbow pads and a pistol is knocking me out.  I want these.  Like nowish.

Check out the Marauder “Gun Runners” Facebook Page, and take a peek at the mirrored images below, though fair warning – they may cause blood loss to your brain.  If you feel it for four hours or more, go see a doctor.