I made my displeasure known that I was not able to get my hands on a PoC Alley-Viper during that short window that pre-orders were actually open at HasbroToyShop and BigBadToyStore, and my buddy Gyre-Viper was listening. Not a couple of weeks later, a crispy new packaged Alley-Viper was waiting in my mailbox. After having a somewhat crappy summer vacation, this was the perfect pick-me-up, and I figured it was a perfect way to kick off the GeneralsJoes July Review-A-Rama!
A big thanks as always to Gyre-Viper who helps support the Joe brand, and is an even better buddy than he is a Joe fan. Thanks, man.
Check out the slightly revamped Pursuit of Cobra Review Page, or just hit up the review itself right here.
Great and useful review. I thought that the black & white stripes on the AVs arm and leg were kind of hazard stripes or something? They do look like that.
Cool and useful review. I thought that the black & white stripes on the AVs arm and leg were kind of hazard stripes or something? They do look like that.
Thanks man! I am SO looking forward to this! These are gona be a blast to review, whenever they come out around here (which you’d think would be any day now, since the HISS tanks and Snow Wolves are out).
Anyway, this is the absolute perfect Alley Viper! They were always my favorite army builders (though my favorite is the black and yellow 90’s one). This takes everything I love about the Alley Viper and throws it all in one package. Just awesome!
The colors are an realistic improvement, as is the gear so I can really see Hasbro made some effort to keep things interesting but you have to admit that the orange/purple is much more photogenic and probably why the comic book colored it that way in the origins of the character.
Anybody else seeing “Ninjas” or “Ninja Training” popping up entirely too often in G.I. Joe packages? It’s even on the back of the AV’s card art. Silly Hasbro…