With thanks to kennywr22 on HissTank.com, apparently Wal-Mart’s online site now has the following Alpha Class Rise of COBRA vehicles available for order:
- Snarler Cycle w/ Beachhead and Rollbar
- Mantis Attack Craft w/ Aqua-Viper
- G.I. Joe Skysweeper w/ Air Raid
While the Snarler Cycle utilizes new tooling, both the Mantis and the Skysweeper use existing molds (though the Skysweeper at least modified the Firebat somewhat), and all figures are repaints of previous releases. Ironically, Rollbar uses the parts from the 25th Anniversary Airborne, yet doesn’t use his name, and the “Air Raid” figure that comes with the Skysweeper uses Airborne’s filecard information (including his file name) but has a different code name. For a quick peek at these vehicles, check out the gallery below, and of course, for all release information, hit up the Rise of COBRA SuperPage.
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Got the Sky Sweeper last night. Air Raid makes a great Barrel Roll. Passing on the rest though. Especially after seeing the upcoming single pack Beach Head.
This looks like it will be just like their online offering of the exclusive two-packs; gone after a couple of hours and never seen in their stores.
So, wait…the retooled Firebat is an Alpha Vehicle, but the DragonHawk is a Bravo? How’s that work?
@ Count Blacktron:
Actually, I just picked up a two-pack at a local Wal-Mart. Sure, they only had the Tunnel-Rat/Monkeywrench pack, but I’m holding out hope for a restock.
Yeah my Wlamart had the two packs yesterday as well. By the end of the day there was only 1 GH / Copperhead left though.