While everyone’s been ranting and raving about the new auction pictures posted of newer Rise of COBRA figures, Toy News International went one step further and managed to acquire cardback pictures of these new figures! Among these cardback images, specifically the one for Deep Six, reveals a new, unknown COBRA Trooper, the “Elite Viper”.
The Elite Viper image on the cardback can be seen here.
Also, thanks to the larger carded images, we now know that Barbecue and Firefly appear to be part of a “Headquarters to Heroes” Toys “R” Us exclusives line.
To see all of these great larger images, click here, and big kudos to Toy News International for scoring these additional pictures!
EDIT – The images are now being mirrored in a gallery below… Check ’em out!
hey justin i should be receiving that movie shipwreck that i won on ebay any day now. when it comes in i’ll take some shots of it and i’ll send them but to you. but i’m not sure what’s the best way to upload them. i have a old camera and i’m on a laptop, any advice?