It was a number of months ago that Latino Review got their hands on a copy of the Rise of COBRA script and went over it with a fine tooth comb…though that didn’t last long before Paramount lawyers descended from the heavens and smited (smote?) them. Well, now Idealogy of Madness is getting in on the game, and is giving a full blown script review right here.
Beware…obviously as a script review, there are spoilers littered throughout, and you will essentially find out exactly what happens in the film if you read this review. If that doesn’t phase you, then go for it. Part 2 will be revealed tomorrow.
ok gotta ask, did you read the review? if so what are your thoughts on it? is there hope that it will at least be enjoyable fluff like transformers was?
I read through it and like most script reviews it’s skewed by the reviewers own opinion of the subject matter. Not a bad thing because that’s how reviews are done. But it honestly didn’t give me a lot of confidence in the final product. There are some issues that the reviewer brings up in the second part that concern me but it’s possible they have been fixed. Sounds like a mix of the cartoon, Sigma 6 and a little bit of the comic thrown in with some new stuff to make it different. I’m going to give the film the benefit of the doubt because sometimes things don’t always turn out how you expect them. But I’m not going in with expectations of high art or craptasticly bad. Just keeping an open mind.