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While an epilogue is soon to come to tie up some pesky loose ends, the conclusion to the massive Darkness Falls dio-story has been posted.

Throughout 14 years I’ve told my G.I. Joe universe, and I cannot express enough how much I appreciate the nice thoughts and impressions I’ve gotten from everyone throughout this process.  Anyone who has produced one of these stories knows just how much work it is, and I feel fortunate to have been able to tell my little corner of the G.I. Joe world from start to finish.

I”m sure many of you will be asking if this is really it, or if I might keep telling other stories, and honestly, at this point, I am done.  Lots of things have changed for me personally over the past 14 years, which have provided many more “real world” commitments than I had back then.  Still, I do have some other stories rattling around in my head, and time will tell if I ever find a way to get them out there, or if I can consider this a good stopping point.

To all of you who have stuck it out for 14 years, thank you.  It seems fitting that I’m able to wrap this up on G.I. Joe’s 50th Anniversary as my own little celebration (though admittedly, I don’t have nearly enough references to the 60s or 70s era worlds here).

I hope folks have enjoyed this.  Stay tuned for the epilogue still to come.

The latest episode can be found in the Darkness Falls section, or linked directly below.
