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NERD RAGE TOYS – Sponsorship Update!

Nerd Rage Toys will be at the 2014 Granite State ComicCon this weekend.

If you are in the New England area, stop by and check out our booth!

Ever wonder what we do with all the incomplete parts and figures we get?

Chec k out our Surplus Lots section, and score figures, parts, and accessories in bulk!

New ReAction Figures In-Stock!

Darth Malgus Pre-Orders Now Available!

Platinum Wonder Man In-Stock!

$5 Each!

$5 Each!

$15 Each!
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G.I. Joe: Battleground’s latest Operation: Takedown Event is live!

I know my coverage of the G.I. Joe: Battleground online game has been somewhat spotty, and I apologize for that. The latest Operation: Takedown event has just gone live, featuring some great new cards with Ripcord, Hydro Viper, Heavy Duty, Snake Eyes, and Super Trooper!!

Inside WarSim, the attack on entrenched Cobra forces in Nanzhao continues.

Can G.I.JOE strike a blow in Cobra’s burgeoning new power base, or will their thirst for vengeance after the loss of so many agents cause them to make a fatal misstep? With the new Cobra Commander gunning for them personally, the body count is sure to rise! But the Joes are undeterred, and elite agents Rip Cord, Heavy Duty, and Super Trooper take on the growing Cobra threat while the world’s greatest ninjas fly inexorably towards each other on a collision course years in the making! Who can say which Arashikage will be left standing after the dust settles on the Nanzhao Showdown, the exciting Takedown event on now!

Even cooler than this, though, is the current “Invite” card which is Agent Faces! I think it’s been that way for a little while, but I missed it until now. I love that the Spy Troops Agent Faces is the 1 star card and it can be promoted to the Agent Faces in Crimson Guard disguise. Fantastic.

Hit up to download the latest version of the app for Android or IOS and prepare for the next Operation: Takedown!

G.I. Joe Kre-O Wave 4 sneaks onto eBay

After the sightings of G.I. Joe Kre-O Wave 5 in Utah last week there were some fandom concerns about the mysterious fourth wave of Kre-On mini figures, which has, as of yet, not been spotted. Well, for anyone wondering about the fate of that fourth wave, there is at least some indication that it has hit retail somewhere.

Last night an auction on eBay appeared for a complete fourth wave of G.I. Joe Kre-Ons, which was swiftly snapped up by an eagle eyed Joe fan. The auction was listed from Rhode Island, but to date has been the only confirmed sighting of the 4th wave of mini figures. Meanwhile, Wave 5 is getting relatively easy to spot on the online auction site.

So keep on hitting those Toys “R” Us stores, from the looks of it, Kre-O Wave 4 should be out there shortly, if it’s not already.

Thanks again to Edward G on Twitter for the info.


Special FX Reality show “Face Off” Features G.I. Joe themed episode

It seems like there’s a reality show for everything these days, but one has really stood apart from the crowd. “Face Off” is a show that pitches would-be special effects experts against each other in an attempt to win cash and prizes to support their career as an effects artist.

Each episode works around the idea of a “theme”, and apparently coming on September 16th Face Off will be presenting a “G.I. Joe” Theme. According to the SyFy Schedule of episodes, an episode entitled “Serpent Soldiers” will air on the 16th. The Wikipedia description says “Working for the G.I. Joe franchise, the artists use their talents to create snake-inspired super soldiers.”

The preview for this episode should air after tonight’s episode, so you may want to keep an eye open for that. Huge thanks to Twitter friend Twitziller for giving me the heads up, this will be one to watch!
