If you’re like me and were a bit disappointed about the Concept Case Hit & Run, the G.I. Joe Collectors Club is taking feedback in regards to a possible deco change!
You have to be a G.I. Joe Collectors Club member to vote, but if you are, consider going to the Collectors Club forums and sharing your thoughts.
Hit up GIJoeClub.com and let them know whether you prefer the concept case version or the Club mock up.
They appear to be accepting feedback about as well as they do usually do. Which is not well at all.
The comparison picture they posted is hilarious. I don’t know what’s worse over there, that the Club’s trying to suggest that the concept case figure didn’t actually have a green skin tone or the sycophants backing them up. Maybe a greenish skin tone and green eyebrows and facial hair is normal for some people.
The Club has also been censoring and deleting some feedback for a change to the concept case, which I found out the hard way, so they are starting to get petty and thinned skinned if we don’t tow the party line.