Hitting Kansas City this weekend is the region’s largest comic convention, Planet ComicCon, and for any G.I. Joe fans in the area, it’s something you’re going to want to check out.
Rob, the hard-working admin of JoeADay.com will be headlining a special 50 Years of GI Joe – the first action figure panel on Sunday from 2:00pm – 2:50 covering the history of G.I. Joe as well as the current fandom.
EDIT – Assisting Rob in the panel are great friends of GeneralsJoes Brian Sauer from Codename Iowa and Twitziller! I can’t think of a better crew of G.I. Joe enthusiasts and afficianados!
It’s awesome to see a comic convention devoting some time and attention to our little corner of the toy world, and even more awesome to see that a friend and fellow Joe site admin is hosting the panel.
If you’re nearby, you gotta check it out, and let me know how it is. I’m really wishing I could check it out myself.
Planet ComicCon is this weekend, running from Friday to Sunday, and again, this panel is from 2:00 – 2:50pm on Sunday afternoon. Join Joe A Day admin Rob and celebrate G.I. Joe’s 50th Anniversary!