Just an update on the funding request for the Girls of “The Finest” a G.I. Joe themed cosplay project to support Wounded Warriors!
100% of the funds support the Wounded Warriors charity, and they’re less than $2,000 away from their goal. Support this terrific charity, and get yourself a cool collectible calendar while you’re at it! Check out the following message from The Finest:
Hello Everyone!
We are 78% funded!
With 24 days left to fund the 2015 Girls of the Finest Calendar we are so close to meeting the goal!
We cannot put into words how exciting this is! Thank you so much to everyone who has shared, tweeted, or funded the project so far! WE CANNOT do it without YOU Guys! So far we have raised over $5000 dollars, which is AMAZING!!!!, but we still need to meet the $7500 dollars to meet the goal, or everyone will get their money back the calendar and perks will not be made AND most importantly we will not be able to give back to real heroes.
Over the next 3 weeks please consider again or for the first time talking about, sharing, tweeting, or helping fund calendar! Click the link so support the campaign/use the link to spread the word: http://igg.me/p/666751/x/6207072
We even have Cobra Commander promoting us. Check it out: