Attention YoJoe readers and YoJoe Pro users! A few days ago we made a huge landmark, surpassing 5,000 users of YoJoe Pro, who are managing over ONE MILLION G.I. Joe items in their collections! This is a fantastic mark to reach and a huge thanks to every single one of the YoJoe faithful who have used YoJoe Pro in any of its myriad forms in order to organize their collection, as well as buy, sell, and trade!
For folks who haven’t used YoJoe Pro, why not?!
Sure, there’s somewhat of a lapse of G.I. Joe product at retail, but that’s a perfect opportunity to dive into your existing collection and start filling in some of those holes, or even just get it more organized. Join the over 5,000 other YoJoe Pro members who are using the terrific resources of YoJoe to manage their own collections.
The full details can be found at the YoJoe Pro section right here. Create your account and get to it!
Disclaimer – Yes, GeneralsJoes is affiliated with, but that doesn’t mean the YoJoe Pro resource is any less helpful. Check it out for yourself!
I keep wondering about comic book updates. Issue 200 just came out but the last issue listed is 191.