I would like to take a moment to wish everyone a very Happy Holiday season.
Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Festivus or just enjoy the festive Holiday season, we wish you the best, and please take a moment to think of those who are less fortunate this time of year. No, there are no potential G.I. Joes to go under the tree this year, but there are a lot of other reasons to celebrate, and hopefully every one of you has a terrific holiday.
Even with some slow G.I. Joe news, I greatly appreciate each and every person who stops by the site and spends just a few minutes sharing their life with me and this site.
Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas, Justin! Thanks for maintaining this kickass Joe blog!
Merry Christmas to you too Justin! It is always great to visit this site! Thank you!
Merry Christmas. Thanks for keeping these Joe sites going.
Back atcha’, Justin. Joes may be in a bit of a slump, but Joe fans are the best, and I’m glad this place is still here. Merry Christmas!