Now, come on… if Veronica Mars can take in $47 million dollars or some ridiculous amount like that, certainly Cobra Commander can get some love from the people of the World?
That’s right, after G.I. Joe’s latest operation destroyed Cobra Island, Cobra Commander is taking a different approach to rebuilding. No more pyramid schemes….no more ransom demands with weather control devices. This is straight up crowd-funding.
Cobra Commander has gone to Kickstarter.
I dunno… I think I’m in for about 90 grand. How about you? Thanks to Kevin for the heads up!
I reckon 50 grand is worth it to see the Baroness’ ‘weapon rack’.
I can get Storm Shadows services for a WEEK for a mere $200!!!!!
I am soooooooo in!
I really expected being a ninja assassin would pay better 🙁