Apparently the technical glitch that impacted the Club store opening last week have been resolved and the store should be coming online today at noon Central time (1:00pm Eastern). The full text of the email can be viewed below:
“The issue that caused the problem with Friday’s relaunch of the store software has been corrected. We will go live at noon on Monday, August 6, CDT.
We will continue to add our older inventory into the stores each day. We did not want the loading of older inventory to delay the stores’ reopening.For the Transformers Club members: There is not anything new at this time, we are just updating your store code.
For the Joe Club members:
Once again: note that there are LIMITS on the loose Footloose, carded Footloose and signed carded Footloose membership figures.
You are limited to ONE of each (per membership account) until we see how the demand goes. We can track exactly how many of each are ordered by account. If you place more than one order, we WILL CANCEL all of your orders and charge you a 25% administration fee. Please do not try this as we want as many members as possible to get these figures at the offering price. Quantities are limited.
Thanks for your support!
Let’s hope things hold up this time. The stores can be found right here.
Lots of problems at noon CDT, but I was able to place an order. Hope everyone else can get theirs in.
There were some initial SQL connection errors (as in too many people trying to get through than they could handle) but once the initial rush was over, about 20 minutes or so in things smoothed out.