For folks still thinking about attending the convention, Monday is the day! Yes, the 3 3/4″ sets have been sold out, but folks who are dying to go can still register with the 12″ package until Monday. But if you can’t get stuff together by then, you have other options as well.
The Collectors Club sent along the following email:
Hello all!
The registration for attending and non-attending packages ends at 5pm on Monday June 11th as we must close it to prepare for the event. Late registration is available on Friday June 29, at the Hilton Riverside at 9:30 am.
For those 3 3/4″ fans who were not able to attend via the Oktober Guard sets (attending and non-attending sold out), we will be bringing sets from 2008 COBRA Headhunters and 2010 Vacation in the Shadows if you would like to come to late registration you can use these sets for your attending packages. We have a limited number of 12″ AT Heavy Weapons packages still available.
ALSO… WE HAVE NOT RECEIVED ANY ENTRIES FOR THE FILMFEST. We have one individual who has contacted us that he will be sending an entry. Please email us (using the link at and let us know if you have an entry on its way to us.
There are a few Exhibitor Booths still available so make sure you register by Monday!
Go to and click on Registration for attending, non-attending and Exhibitor registrations.
See you in NOLA!
PS. Provided that the figures get here on time…the Parachute Drop is on!
Keep watching for the latest info!
yay parachute drop! what the hell is involved in the parachute drop!? yay newbie!
wonders what the parachute drop figure is going to be, they didnt have much time to make one
It could simply be the Retaliation COBRA Trooper figure.
I hope it is the Retaliation Cobra Trooper. Then I won’t have to she’ll out for one on eBay.
Quality Video Entries tend to take a little bit of time to put together. I’m not surprised at all that they don’t have much in the way of submissions…it’s only been a few weeks since they actually announced the contests.
The film fest is an annual contest at Joe Con for several years now, its more likely that people are tired of the lackluster response the films have gotten in years past.