So, Kokomo Toys has their G.I. Joe: Retaliation pre-orders going strong, and in celebration they passed along some to me to give away! I have a Snake Eyes, Roadblock, and Storm Shadow single pack MOC figures ready to go to someone’s lucky home.
How do you win?
Simple. The first figure will be available to whoever comments on this thread with the correct guess for whichever figure is going to be revealed by the G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club next. We figure today the GIJCC will likely be revealing the next JoeCon figure… who do you think it will be?
Comment on this post with your guess, and the correct guesses will go in a hat, with the lucky pick getting one free figure. Then we’ll try the same trick tomorrow and see how things go.
Good luck!
I’ll go with the other Iron Grenadier from the canceled IG set (x2), as I imagine they’ll save any more named characters for last.
i guess destro.
General Mayhem
(although the compulsive collector is probably right but he beat me to it),r:0,s:0,i:77
The guy in red re there.
Horror Show.
Voltar (just because the un-named soldier guess was already taken) 🙂
I think you guys can go with the same guess as me. He said he’d put all the correct ones into a hat. 🙂
Exactly. By all means, make the same guess. Names go in a hat!
I thought of that, but decided too many would pick it and it would be too many names in the hat. I took the long bet.
Going to guess that it’s the other Iron Grendadier from the 5 pack, with the long skirt.
Lt. Gorky
I’ll say the last Iron Grenadier from the canceled five pack as well.
I’m guessing Dragonsky.
Last Iron Grenadier from the cancelled 5-pack
Iron Grenadier Trooper (x2)
I’ll go with the Iron Grenadier trooper with the canceled comic pack Arctic Cobra Commander body (a canceled figure based on a canceled figure … deep).
joe colton
Voltar. Gottabe.