Well, look at that! Along with a figure reveal of Voltar today, we also get our first peek at the official 2012 Convention brochure! The brochure, as usual, breaks down the entirety of the 15 figure convention set, and we have a surprise!
While it lists Horror Show along with his Oktober Guard comrades, it doesn’t mention anything about Dragonsky, instead making reference to “General Iron Bear”. Verrrry interesting…
Check out the full brochure right here, and I’ll be back later tonight to break it down even further. Big thanks to Scott “MadMac41” McAllister for the information!
Since their storyline is taking place in the past then I’m not expecting the later members like Dragonsky. Wong might have a shot.
Dragonsky first appeared in the G.I. Joe Annual #2, which was released in 1986. That’s 2 years before the Iron Grenadiers, so I would think it’s right in their wheelhouse.
I know the wording makes it kind of weird, with the whole “two decades” phrasing, but they repeatedly mention “the 90’s” so I don’t see how that prevents Dragonsky from being around.
Huh, I always thought he debuted along with Gorky and Misha. Checking around YoJoe.com he was even in the issue where the majority of the original Guard died (SM #26, October ’89). Weird how I have no recollection of him.
Well, I still think Wong’s got a shot.
I hope to see Wong !
Wow AH package with Gold ticket is $650. Ouch!
Horror Show! Pretty great lineup, and nice to see a NEW character. I wonder what the attendee-only stuff is gonna be…anyone wanna grab some for me? 😉
Any word when we can register for this?? I’m going on a cruise tomorrow night and would like to take care of this before I go..
Disappointed in the prices. Wish they were higher.
No way I would feel good about dropping that much money on that few toys. No bang for the buck. Might as well charge a million dollars a set.
I fully expect Dragonsky to be an attendee exclusive.
I wonder if General Iron Bear is General Mayhem’s OG code name.