Here on the site and on the What’s on Joe Mind podcast, I’ve been talking up G.I. Joe: Operation Red Retrieval, which was an awesome fan film by the talented Mark Cheng. Well, now there’s another great looking film on the horizon, entitled G.I. Joe: Initiate.
A very ambitious undertaking by a crew of military veterans and folks well versed in the motion picture process, this looks like a very cool, very military themed operation that has some real potential. Real military hardware including armored personal carriers and tanks(!!) are at their disposal, and from what we’ve seen so far, this project has some great potential!
You can keep up to date on this new fan film on their Facebook Page.
Most importantly, though, the film needs our help. They’ve launched a Kickstarter page with which Joe fans can donate money to help ease some production costs of the film. Help feed the crew and assist with minor incidentals. In the grand scheme of things, it appears to be a small price to pay for what looks like a very fun, military, and action oriented fan film.
Once again, keep watching Facebook for updates, and if you can help them out on Kickstarter hit it up! The sooner they reach the goal, the sooner we get a great fan film, and if they overshoot their goal, all extra proceeds will go to the Wounded Warrior project. Can it get any better? I’ve mirrored some cool character images below, just to give an idea what they’re going for. Good stuff.
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As long as there is no predator, sounds cool!
I honestly hated Red Retrieval. You just can’t mix what were mainly G1 styled designs into a hyper realistic military film.