It’s a Toy Fair tradition! Yay?
I’ve compiled my piles of images from the showroom as well as from the press releases, and assembled a very rough draft for the 2011 SuperPage.
I have a lot of organizational things to work out in my head… should the first two waves be pulled back into the PoC SuperPage? Should Waves 1 & 2 (AKA Waves 3 and 4 that we got this year, which were technically 2011 Waves 1 and 2) be pushed to the 2011 page?
I dunno. It’s freaking midnight and I’m too tired to think about it right now. For the moment check out the 2011 SuperPage right here and let me know if you recommend any changes or organizational stuff.
Bed time. It was a whirlwind, but a fun one as always. Big thanks to Mike, Joe, Danny, and the other array of Hunter PR staff who lead us around the toyroom…and of course a big thanks and “welcome back” to Derryl DePriest, who appears to be taking a larger role in G.I. Joe these days. We’re better for it!