Wasting no time, Hubworld.com has uploaded the latest G.I. Joe: Renegades episode featuring Major Bludd! You can find it on their videos section, or directly right here.
It’s a great episode, and I’m glad US based viewers will be able to finally check it out in its entirety! Personally, I love the fact that I can see it in nice high res right here on the computer screen.
Dude! Major Bludd looks like Adolf’s illegitimate son!
Even though I’m not expecting to like this show, like with Rise of Cobra I am willing to watch it to make up my mind based on final product, is there any word yet on when this show will make it to Canada?
I see more and a better story, plot and acting (voice acting) going on in this show than the crappy film.
I watched the first 2-parter last weekend and it wasn’t as bad as I had anticipated. The animation still isn’t what I like but the story was decent and the characters weren’t too annoying. Though after Sigma 6, I really wasn’t too thrilled with Tunnel Rat eating weird things.
I plan on watching this episode this weekend and look forward to it.
When Bludd opens up the boost tank in his car, doesn’t that remind one of the Road Warrior’s opening chase scene?
Bludd’s car seems a little bit M.A.S.K. with De Lorean stylings to me.
It’s all good fun, too. Maybe the production team is having fun with G.I.Joe…
Tunnel Rat was only seen eating weird things in only one episode and that’s what your going to whine about??? This type of animation has been going on for some time, so stop acting as if you just woke up to it.
“Maybe the production team is having fun with G.I.Joe…”
If only the fans would…