With the recent shipment of the latest wave of Pursuit of Cobra Bravo series vehicles, the Terror Drome has posted an update to Scoop’s Dark Room featuring the latest two installments to G.I. Joe and Cobra’s armory. I’ve mirrored some of the images below, but there are a lot more at each entry over at The Terror Drome!
Cobra Fury w/ Alley-Viper Officer
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G.I. Joe VAMP 4×4 w/ Double Clutch
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Hmm, mixed feelings about these ones.
Never really liked the Cobra Rage…er, Fury, eh whatever. But it could of been done better. Never remember there being purple vehicles in the military, nor drivers being short changed on havinga rifle with them.
I thought the Alley Viper would be a drawing point here, but with just the goofy helmet and not the more combat ready (which would of made more sense) one and absolutely no weapon??? Sorry, I’ll pass.
The VAMP is pretty cool though, but again Hasbro is playing kindergarten with the colors. A red underbody is bad enough, expecially ruining the tires, but yellow missiles??? So this one is going to need some serious touch ups, but after that it’ll be pretty cool. Clutch is ok, his head is still too big, but he’s not bad. Buying several of these just to augment my growing Resolute collection.
I can’t wait to see these things in the stores, they’re just so money.
My only complaint is Clutch. In comparison to his colleagues in PoC, he looks so plain and boring. They could’ve done something to break up the monotony of such drab colors.
The Rage is going to look phenomenal once it’s decked out with Alley Vipers and Shock Troopers.
Are Clutch and Tomohawk brothers?
two words on these…
Can anyone compare the Mamba or Fang II’s primary color to the Fury?
How do the new wheels sit on the ground? I can’t remember if the axles were on an angle or not…is the smaller side of the new wheel off the ground?
The original wheel was kind of neat to me in where, in my imagination, those helped to distribute weight. Low profile is hard to hit.
I like it… still on the fence if I want to incorporate it into the collection, though.
personally I’ve always liked the rage; the one I have is a beat up second hand one, So I do want to get one of those. I kind of feel like I don’t need too many jeeps, but the Vamp looks nice, so it’s on the “would happily take as a gift” list.
Both gona be bought! Never had the Rage before, and I think it looks cool (also will take any and all Alley Vipers that come my way). The VAMP is just badass, though. Looks fantastic, comes with a lot of stuff, and Clutch is finally updated a little bit after all these years.
I’m really not digging the VAMP at all. It’s much too big IMO. Plus, that Clutch is an easy pass. G.I.vJoe should take a page from the Star Wars line and release the vehicles with 2 sets of weapons. One spring-loaded set for the kids, and one standard (non-firing) set for the collectors.
If the VAMP came with doors I could see myself snagging one. Its similarities to the Humvee make it look odd as a combat vehicle without any doors. Granted the original VAMP doesn’t have doors but still…
The Fury I have no interest in except to get that Alley Viper. Maybe I can snag one on eBay or something.
The Vamp is awesome. Just put one together and it’s really the best thing like the Hammer and original Vamp slammed together and this is their love child.
Clutch however is the worst frankenjoe I’ve ever seen. He looks like a WW2 soldier with moon shoes and has a COBRA symbol on his Wild Weasel right leg holster.
Keep the Vamp. Throw out the Clutch.