Or, to fuel your fanboy rage, whichever you prefer. Honestly the amount of venom, hatred, and downright hostility towards a cartoon that nobody HAS EVEN SEEN YET is amazing to me. Sure, you can have your opinions about the look, that’s fair game. But I’m seeing people blindly proclaim that the whole cartoon “sucks” that it’s not “going to last a season” and that it’s going to drive the G.I. Joe brand into a downward spiral.
I mean, come on. Don’t we all agree that the line art, while rough, looks like nothing compared to the actual animation. You know, the actual animation that’s going to be shown every time Renegades airs?
Yes, the detail is simplified. Just as every single animated series has been since Batman in the early 90’s. Yes, the proportions are exaggerated. Just like every single animated series has been since Batman in the early 90’s.
How about we give the cartoon a shot, huh? I heard a lot of Star Wars fans bitching about Clone Wars before it aired. How many of them are bitching now? I heard legions of Transfans groaning when promotional images were shown of Transformers: Animated, and it’s now a highly regarded part of Tranformers animated lore. How about we at least WATCH the thing, and then judge it. Is that too much to ask?
Just to add more fuel to the fire, here are some more images, which I’m excited about, but apparently I’m in the minority. These were uncovered by Steevy Maximus over at HissTank.com, who found them within Hubworld.com in the advertising section, and the sneak peeks. Personally, I can’t wait for October 10th. And I have a feeling folks who at least give the series a shot will find a lot to enjoy if they can get over rough image designs and follow the animation. Speaking of the animation, HubWorld.com also has a short video of their upcoming features, Renegades among them. No new animation, but better quality than what we saw at San Diego ComicCon. You can check it out at Hubworld’s Main Page.
no images were found
Whatever people think of the look of the series, you’ve got to admit they’ve at least hit the mechanical designs out of the park with this series; from the stuff we’ve seen so far, we could potentially see some *fantastic* vehicle toys from this line. Willing to give the character design a chance; from the blurb posted today with a synopsis of the series, I’m totally willing to buy into that as the premise for a G.I. Joe cartoon. Can’t wait to see how the final product turns out.
diagnosis: Joeitis
At last, a new G.I.JOE animated series!!!!! With big named actors behind the voices, this one is going to be cool, (Everyone calm down, and relax, it’s a new take on an old fav). YO-JOE!
Has anybody from Hasbro stated whether the action figures tied into this animation will look more like Star Wars Clone Wars figures or if they will retain the realistic human proportions and construction that has become so popular since 2007’s 25th Anniversary G.I. Joe action figure collection? I think that’s where a lot of the fan fervor has come from, fear that Hasbro will again change the construction style of the action figures.
A LOT of us long haul fans are upset enough that Hasbro keeps on rebooting and recasting Duke, Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, COBRA Commander… You get my point pretty clearly. Every time there is a new series Hasbro skips over established characters to reproduce the same 6-8 characters over again until we puke, and the cycle in which they do this has shortened with every passing year. Hasbro is FINALLY planning (not released yet) a 25th Anniversary style Low Light figure that is faithful to the original, but it is 3-4 years late to that collection, and still was delayed to that point. In the mean time we have gotten 20 Duke figures for every time he sweats in his shirt.
The point is, fans want more of the 25th style, still more fans are upset at the demise of the o-ring, a few miss their “New Sculpt” era, a number miss their 8-inch S6, fewer yet miss some 2.5 Mission Scale, a large number also miss the 12 inch collection… and now we are threatened with an Animated Style? Will the cycle of repeats never end?
I just hope that if they do an Animated Style, that they also produce a 25th/RoC/PoC/Resolute line of realistic looking action figures along side it so I don’t have to have a radically different Aeon Flux-ed Baroness.
Ew, Blacktron, buddy, don’t insult these people by comparing the art to Aeon Flux. It is NOTHING like Aeon Flux; that was horrendous. These guys are lanky, but not Aeon Flux. I don’t think anything is ever gona be like Aeon Flux art, and that’s a good thing.
Transformers: Animated was a great show story wise. the animation took a little to get used to, but once i did i actually started to like the designs. the series finale was genuinely exciting and i truly miss that show.
the clone wars well where do you begin. the movie may have been a dud but the series has been strong straight from the start. it can be very adultish and dark at times. just look at “brain invaders”. the bit of forshadowing of anakin’s fall to darkside when he force chokes poggle the lesser to save ahsoka life was very powerful and surprising. i never thought i would see a scene so dark (and sad) on a “children’s” show.
the clone wars is the main reason to keep an open mind on renegades. with the renegades storyline it seems hasbro is taking the same approach lucas did with the clone wars series, which is a good sign. so there will be some kiddie moments but there will be plenty for the adult fans.
on the stills i like the style it reminds me alot of mike mignola’s work. it does seems like the actual animation is a bit different. from the brief footage i’ve seen it’s kinda a cross between ben 10 and resolute which isn’t bad at all, at least for me. so i’m really looking forward to show.
To the Clone Wars remark: A LOT still. Mostly those without kids, but just by shear numbers of SW fans opposed to Joe fans, a lot. It may seem like less but Joe fans who don’t go to many SW sites or not that active really don’t seem to ever have a clue about what’s going on (and vice versa) with the other property.
I still don’t know if this will catch on due to where it’s located on the “TV Dial”. One needs to have an expanded service in most case to even get this station. It’s wide appeal may totally rely on webcasts, downloads, and DVD as opposed to traditional viewers. IF those options are available (and the closer to free the better on the webcasts/downloads) I’ll give it a chance. If not, well they made the choice.
Yeah…from a toy-perspective, this might lead to some disunity with the current line/lines. I mean, PoC is kinda the ultimate culmination of all things Joe, and to abandon it for a line that is stylistically, if not just thematically, based on the new cartoon would be like launching a brand new IP…very similar to what happened with S6.
As for the cartoon itself…I’m actually VERY stoked. I can’t wait to see it. I love the story theme, and the look is right up my alley. So, I’ll do like I do…wait and see what results from this direction. If the show is great but the toys aren’t…so be it.
I wouldn’t be shocked to see an animated series-themed toy release. But I think people are forgetting that there’s a sequel to ROC still coming (isn’t there?) and that toys linked to that movie would be coming, hence not an “end” to more realistic appearing figures like we see with the POC stuff.
No way are these pics of the actual animation and/or style. These look like the results of a Grade 2 afternoon art class. I’m always expecting the worst, but even I can’t fathom that this is what they will make us suffer through. On top of the line art being pure garbage the colors look like the results of a beginners Photoshop weekend class.
This is based on what we are seeing right here, NOT any speculation of the finished project. I’ll wait and see with that.
yeah……the show debuts in a little less than two months….im pretty sure were seeing a pretty accurate example of the animation. there’d be no point in showing something that wasnt representational of the product theyre trying to sell.
just as the 25th line had a few “resolute” figs that seemed as if they were to be transitional from 25th to resolute…..so seems that last wave of PoC figs to be somewhat transitional to renegades.
that shock trooper looks a lot like the troops in that SDCC clip. the duke has that chest armor and a “higher tech” rifle. snake eyes looks lankier than ever. storm shadow…….i honestly dont know whats up with him…maybe in renegades hes a big fan of Burger King and likes those cardboard crowns.
anyway, look at those pics of that last wave….something to chew on.
Reminds me of the Godzilla and MiB cartoons, and that’s fine by me.
Cartoon looks like it could be good, but at this point I really don’t want to start collecting a whole new set of figures based on it.
I’m pretty bitter that they seem to be abandoning PoC for Renegades without putting any real time to let it shine. I doubt I’m going to make the effort to watch the cartoon, let alone collect the figures.
No offence Justin, but maybe, just maybe, you’re the one who needs to chill out a little. You’re the one getting all angry and defensive about the quality of a cartoon YOU haven’t seen yet either. Determined to prove it good, based on the same handful of pictures and 12 seconds of footage. Just like with RoC, you just can’t seem to accept that some people just don’t like what they’re seeing so far, so you have to prove they’re wrong to have a negative opinion.
How about this time you wait until Hasbro’s latest media project premieres before you jump on the Hasbro bandwagon and start cheerleading for it? How about you actually have some of the faith you supposedly do in Hasbro, and believe that when it does, Renegades will blow people away based on it’s own merits, not on how much badgering you do before hand? And please, this time, spare us the gloom and doom predictions about how it will be the end of GI Joe for all time if the cartoon isn’t successful.
Because I got to tell you man, not only didn’t those tactics work with RoC, but, in fact, I think those that aggressively championed the movie only made a bad situation worst by putting the supposed “haters” on the defensive, and further entrenching them in their beliefs. And in the end, only created a lot of bad feeling among the fans. How about we not do that this time?
Hey, Scraps, maybe you should read the post a bit more carefully. Never once did I proclaim this cartoon was going to be great. Never once did I guarantee that the quality of this cartoon was going to be any better or different than folks expectations.
All I did, which is ALL I EVER DO is encourage “educated opinions”. It’s fine to look at the art and determine that it’s not your thing. That’s fine. That’s an educated opinion. This was directed towards all of those folks who are automatically proclaiming utter and complete failure of the entire Joe brand based on a few early concept art pieces that don’t even represent the final product.
All I care about is people GIVE IT A CHANCE FIRST. That’s all I’ve ever said. If people at least give it a chance, but still don’t like it, that’s their opinion and their perogitive. But all these fire and brimstone people who, based on a handful of rough art, determine that the entire series is going to be terrible aren’t giving the cartoon a shot. All I ask is to give it a shot.
If you still don’t like it, fine. At least you’re giving it a chance and determining its success based on an educated opinion instead of lashing out.
To be fair, I haven’t read any of your personal opinions on the matter, this post is based on the overwhelmingly negative proclamations of many folks out there who seem to feel that these few images will solely determine the cartoons success or failure and aren’t even willing to at least watch an episode to see if they’re correct or not.
Look, the greatest animated series of all time, “Batman: TAS,” had a minimalist style and was phenomenal. Frankly, if “Rise of Cobra” can’t kill G.I. Joe, nothing can. I am excited for what I have seen so far…
Educated opinion: The art style in these bits looks ugly, so to me, the whole show will probably look ugly.
Educated opinion: The plot of this show is not how I’d envision GI Joe, or how I’d like to envision it. I’ll probably not like the plot when it airs either.
Educated opinion: I did not like TFA, I do not like Clone Wars…
I probably won’t like GI Joe Renegades.
Just my humble, educated, polished 2 cents.
Nekoman, thanks for that. This is a valid, educated opinion, and I have no issue with it. Well stated, and you make your points. To each their own.
And you were able to state your opinion without declaring the Joe brand dead, wishing harm upon the creators, or wanting the designers fired. Imagine that?
I was really excited to see a new G.I. Joe series, but these screenshots make me…less excited. If these are coming from the HUB website, I’m fairly certain we’re looking at the real deal. However, it’s still too early to jump in the ‘ugh’ bandwagon. As far as the toys go, my hope is that Hasbro has the incite to launch a separate line for ‘Renegades’ like they have for ‘The Clone Wars’. It would be a huge step backwards if they abandoned the promising future of POC for an untested cartoon series (fingers crossed).
Justin never badgered anybody.
Playing the victim is just plain silly.
Like what you like, and vice versa.
If this media is not to your liking, please make sure you communicate your opinions in a well thought out manner with Hasbro, the media personnel in charge of this project and don’t go pointing your fingers at Justin for how much he made it harder for you to like it.
Justin is just a fan with a blog. Editorializing is his right therefore as this is his page.
I just want Hasbro to stick to a danged story line, run it, keep some continuity and make some darned well thought out and developed toys. Some of these freakin’ Joes & COBRAs have had so many time-lines already, I’m starting to think were in bed with Star Trek 😉
I read your post Justin. I also read your many previous ones where you’ve gone on and on about how psyched you are about Renegades. And before that, about PoC and before that, about the movie. And you know what, that’s great. I even you, your ability to still be optimistic about every darn incarnation of GI Joe that comes down the pike, in the face of all the garbage we’ve been spoon-fed by Hasbro in the last few years.
The people at Hasbro are wonderful toy makers. The best in the business at action figures, at least in the 3 3/4″ scales. But as storytellers, their track record — especially with GI Joe — has been pretty bad. The Spy Troops, Valor vs. Venom and Ninja Battles DVDs, the Sigma 6 cartoon, the movie. All of them were terrible. Even Resolute was just so, so IMHO. So, I’m skeptical about Renegades. Not because of the art — heck, I’m just glad everyone doesn’t look like they’re barely out of their teens this time — but because I doubt Hasbro’s ability to tell a good story, based on their track record. How’s that for an educated opinion?
But I understand where you’re coming from Justin. I know it’s frustrating when you like, or are at least enthusiastic about something everyone else seems to dump on. For me, it was stuff like Cobra La, the New Sculpt era Joes, the early years of the DDP comic, or the Star Wars Prequels. Things I enjoyed, but everyone else seems to hate. I know it can drive you crazy. But you can’t take it personally, and that seems to be what you’re doing. Maybe I’m wrong, it’s hard to tell when you’re reading words on the screen, and you can’t see the other person’s face or hear their voice. If I am, I apologize.
But you’re coming off as very upset about this. And that’s troubling because I’ve been there. I’m just trying to tell you, don’t let it get to you dude. If you like what you’re seeing of Renegades, then who cares what anyone else thinks? Renegade will succeed or fail on it’s own, without you taking it on yourself to promote it. And who knows, you might just enjoy it more that way.
Fair enough Blacktron. If I was actually blaming Justin for anything, that is. Don’t put words in my mouth dude. I simply said that an overly aggressive defense of the movie backfired. And that I believe the same will be true if people go too far defending Renegades. That’s my educated opinion.
And I might add that if Justin didn’t want to hear other people’s opinions, he wouldn’t have made his site a blog where others could respond to his editorials.
this statement made it seem like you were blaming justin directly:
“I think those that aggressively championed the movie only made a bad situation worst by putting the supposed “haters” on the defensive, and further entrenching them in their beliefs. And in the end, only created a lot of bad feeling among the fans. How about we not do that this time?”