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We’ve got tons of new DC DIrect preorders up for various comic and video game based lines. In the comics realm, there’s the 75th Anniversary Kubrick Set and all four figures from the new Return of Bruce Wayne line, featuring Batman in eras across time. DC Direct is also making toys based on video games these days, like these Arkham Asylum figures and the new Mass Effect 2 line, both of which are now available for preorder.  

Also new at the store are a bunch of items, including new and upcoming figures from Ghostbusters, Masters of the Universe Classics, and DC Universe Classics. Order now to make sure you don’t miss out on certain sell-outs like Count Marzo or the JLU Lobo.
And finally for all you Star Wars fans who also happen to be zombie fans (I imagine that’s pretty much everyone), you absolutely cannot miss out on this amazing new Death Trooper bust from Gentle Giant.