Posted over at, Gyre-Viper once again gets his purple-fingered mitts on some soon to be released G.I. Joe items, this time around, from the Vacation in the Shadows Convention set! Sure, we’ve seen official production images of these awesome figures, but Gyre-Viper gives us some great comparison shots with some of the originals, which is just plain bad ass. Seeing Red Laser next to the updated Red Shadow is all sorts of cool. A great idea for him to do this, and some images that I’m really enjoying.
I’m not sure about anyone else, but this year’s set has really stoked the fire for Action Force for me, and I think Joe fans are doing themselves a disservice if they don’t check out how the universe unfolded over the pond. Some great untold stories that I hope to spend some time on as we lead up to the Con.
Thanks again to Gyre-Viper for taking these pics! Good stuff.
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Thanks for sharing the shots of the upcoming Red Shadows set. I am slightly envious of those who have this, or will be able to get this set.
Unfortunately, I have as yet, been unable to get my hands on any Red Shadows stuff at all, except for one Kraken figure which costed me $20 at a show recently. Since the show and the boxed set aren’t in my budget this year, it looks like I’ll be missing out on my one big chance to pick these guys up Stateside finally. Hopefully, at some point, I’ll stumble across them somewhere and be able to snag some of the other Red Shadows to build up my collection a bit more, as time goes on.
Having to base my opinions solely upon these images here, I am inclined to say that I prefer the original head mold and size for the Major, than the bigger (waterhead) look of the new figure. While Flint’s outfit is sort of a new look for him, and not necessarily a bad one, it does come across as a bit more…Lt. Falconish than Flintish. Might even be a good look for an Oktober Guard soldier, if we ever get any other new characters for that group.
Also, is it just my eyes, or is the left arm of the new Red Shadow Soldier actually another right arm?! I am hoping that not ALL of them would be like this in the final sets. If so, then I’m pretty sure the set would definitely be overpriced, and I’d be upset to pay for one and then get it opened to find the arms all wrong with those guys. Especially since it would be for the Major (even though the whip is a bit much) and the Red Shadow Soldier that I’d want the set for, not quite as much for the Red Torch figures, though they are also interesting if not particularly exciting.
All-in-all, nice comparison shots and a good closer look at more of the set in general. Thanks again for sharing them with us, Gyre.
The new Flint def. looks very SAS. Brit-Flint, if you will. That Black Major looks cool, but I agree with Silent Master about the head sculpt. As for the Red Shadows…VERY cool, though on closer inspection, I see that they have limited range in their head movement, which seems a shame. Still, pretty impressive for a limited-edition from the Club, I’d say. And the colors are great.
I’m frankly most impressed by that last shot of the three (!!!) skull ships! (The name escapes me right now) I’ve wanted one of those since I first saw them at BFTB last year. And those bad boys look complete. Gyre, you’re an animal.
@ Nas – I think the ships are called Roboskulls, if memory serves.
I like the “RETRO” Joes, but I really wish these would have been 25th styled.
Yeah, actually, I would have preferred that too, tkprime. I like both though, so for me one is as good as the other…each in their own way.
I just kind of was looking at them for what they were, or were intended to be. Not thwat I’ll likely get my hands on them, lol. I can still admire though, I suppose.