Like most toy fans who are on the ‘net, I’m a big fan of David Willis’ Shortpacked! comic strip. Written and drawn by a devout Transformers fan, he has the ability to look into the very soul of the 21st Century toy fan…for better or worse. :shifty:
Well, along with Transformers, David is obviously a toy fan of other types as well, including G.I. Joe, and the cover of his third volume of collected strips shows some love…so to speak.
Check out the images below. I know it might ruffle some feathers out there, but I think it’s hilarious, and very well drawn to boot. Thanks to Jeff Bohn for the info!
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That is just so wrong! Funny as hell, but just so wrong.
Too funny.
Willis may be a true-blue Transfan but he also has a healthy love of G.I. Joe too. I love this cover. My favorite webcomic meets my favorite toy line. Well played.