Thanks to bluesparrow from who reports that in the latest issue of Toy Fare, the previously revealed Mail Away Cobra Commander will not just be a mail away, but will also see limited retail release on the special Cobra themed card. They mentioned August release dates for both Cobra Commander as well as the new Cobra H.I.S.S. tank, and also made mention of an upcoming single card Dusty and Alley-Viper!
Considering what we’ve seen from the Pursuit of Cobra stuff so far, I’m really excited to see what they’re doing with the Alley-Viper. They are really ramping up the accessorization for this new Joe line it would appear, so here’s hoping we get something really bad ass to add to our Cobra armies.
I seem to remember that in a previous Q and A that they said the single carded Alley-Viper will be the same one as in the Defense of Cobra Island pack, but in new colors. Which honestly, I’m fine with. Especially if they use the JvC blue and grey color scheme.
I Just Hope That When Thealley Viper Gets Rereleasedhasbro Fixes His Grappling Gun So That It Stays Attached To His Backpack. Thats The Only Problem With The Cobra Island Figure.
If the blue matches the Cobra Troopers (not Smurf/Bazooka Trooper) then I’ll be fine with a blue and gray Alley Viper.
Limited release of CC in stores? Doesn’t that take away from the mail-in option somewhat? Why hunt down or purchase multiple figures if you just take your chances on finding him on pegs? I’ll just mail order mine and be done with it. No sense fighting the scalpers for this figure. Lots of PoC figures I plan on getting so I don’t think I’ll be missing out on him.