According to a thread on the GIJCC Message Boards, we should expect the 2010 G.I. Joe Convention Brochure to appear this week. This is the following post from GIJCC staffmember “The Commander”:
“Finally, there will be no more clues – as the full 2010 Convention Brochure will be available this week!”
Everyone hold their breath for the Red Shadows!
Looking forward to seeing if they use o-rings or 25th construction. If 25th I’ll definately be interested in seeing what they offer.
I’d say get ready for another round of disappointment. It’s probably not the red shadows.
And it probably will be 25th construction, much to the consternation of many, which means more people walking away from Joe.
I’d say get ready for another round of disappointment. It’s probably not the red shadows.
And it probably will be 25th construction, much to the consternation of many, which will mean more people walking away from this hobby.
Double post!
And by double, you mean triple. And by “more people walking away from this hobby”, you mean “Nas will preorder the set with vigor.”
J/K. I get your point, as the folks who have been the Joe faithful want to keep their collection going with consistency. I just happen to love the new-style Joes, and while the weaknesses are apparent (lack of flexibility being my chief gripe) I feel like the good outweighs the bad at this stage, especially for collectors. I dunno. I respect your view, though.
I agree Nas. The sad reality is the O-ring figure is a dying construction (and this is coming from someone who decried the 25th design when it first appeared and last year when the club switched to the new design). The O-ring fanbase isn’t growing and at least with the 25th sculpts they have the opportunity to attract fans who have started collecting or begun collecting again with the 25th Anniversary figures. The club’s doing the only smart thing and offering a collectable that compliments what is currently being pushed by Hasbro.
I always have and always will love the o-ring format. It’s been my favorite articulation and my favorite construction for action figures since 1982, right up through Visionaries, COPS, and the more recent 3 3/4″ G.I. Joe offerings.
But compared to more modern day sculpting and design, I admit the overall sculpts from the old days look dated and somewhat out of place. If given my choice for Convention Exclusives, I would choose the o-ring format, simply because we have so many other options for modern tooling. My ultimate preference would probably be a merger of the two, using modern sculpting and articulation over the o-ring core, but I know that’s never going to happen.
That being said, I won’t cry if the Club moves to the new format, as long as the right parts are chosen and full articulation is maintained. As much crying as I did over the set last year, it was mostly because of the theme, NOT the construction. So, regardless, I look forward to seeing what the set is this year, as long as it’s not just a modern rehash of a Con set already been done, I think I’ll be happy with the results.
For me its not about o-ring or no o-ring. I just want something new. I’m interested in a 25th style re-has of an old set like we had last year with the Crimson vipers
holding my breath for the RED SHADOWS and ACTION FORCE
I’m pulling for an Oktober Guard set just to see the G.I. Joe Interwebs explode with nerd rage.
Actually, I’d be fine with a Red Shadows set because I really don’t care about them and doubt I’d be tempted to dish out any money for them but mainly I hope it’s the Red Shadows so Jamar Miller will STFU about the damn Red Shadows already.
actually Red Shadows vs Oktober Guard would be an awesome set IMO.
Hey Ben here is an idea, why dont you STFU !
And by double, you mean triple. And by “more people walking away from this hobby”, you mean “Nas will preorder the set with vigor.”
J/K. I get your point, as the folks who have been the Joe faithful want to keep their collection going with consistency. I just happen to love the new-style Joes, and while the weaknesses are apparent (lack of flexibility being my chief gripe) I feel like the good outweighs the bad at this stage, especially for collectors. I dunno. I respect your view, though.
No, actually I meant double of the same post. The third was used to point it out so Justin could remove if it was an inconvience.
As for O-Ring vs. 25th sculpt, I honestly think that’s what will happen.
Just for the record, I’d point out again, that I prefer the 25th sculpt myself by far.
Id prefer 25th sculpt too but ill take Action Force and the RED SHADOWS anyway I can get them
Has the overall convention exclusives price gone down by using brand new (more or less) tooling?
No, I think they got more expensive actually, which confuses me, since despite the larger number of parts in a given figure, there were no new/rebuilt molds as in the past few years. Anyway, given some comments on the GIJCC boards, it seems like the set will be o-ring, but I’d prefer Modern molds, especially now that we aren’t getting much in the way of new Joe stuff until fall.
Honestly, we all know it’s going to be a set in the 25th style, with its limited articulation (elbows and hips– how hard is that?) softer construction materials. As such, I’ll have virtually no interest in it. It’s not that I’m saying “it has to be o-ringed” but the newer figures are not really in scale with the vast majority of my collection. The 25th figures are (for the most part) built on a 4″ scale which means that they’re taller than the ARAH and GvC era Joes, as well as all of Hasbro’s other lines- Star Wars, Marvel, etc. I also have no doubt that the con set price will go up yet again– meaning that you get less for your $$$. I skipped last year’s con set entirely and will most likely do so again this year.
It seems to me that the Collector’s Club really could learn a few lessons from places like and a few other fan clubs I’ve seen. For one thing, offer a smaller “boxed set” of named figures and then sell the “con troop builders” in bagged sets to accompany the main set. The reason for this would be that folks would end up troop building the bagged sets and would most likely end up spending more than for just the current boxed set/ bagged set option.
Either way, IMHO the last great set was “Tanks for the Memories”. I don’t see Master Collector surpassing that any time soon. Of course, I’m always willing to be proved wrong.
I have to say, I loved last years convention set. It was a great troop build and it made up for the lack of 25th figures we got at the end of it’s run. I would like to know the time and money I invested in gathering the 25th set will not go to waste. Plus…I can’t play with my old Joe’s, too valuable now. O ring be damned!!
I don’t get the hold up with the forms…….
Gary, I don’t get the hold up period. 🙂