Alongside the Desert Battle RAM w/ Sandstorm, Rulz has also posted via some great pictures of the COBRA Twin Battle Gun w/ Range-Viper, another release in that same boxed set assortment that, honestly, blows away anything we’ve gotten so far, in my opinion. LOVE that RAM w/ Sandstorm, and I’m quickly falling for this Twin Battle Gun w/ Range-Viper as well. The Range-Viper base figure in the COBRA Island boxed set was fantastic, and in this new, more subdued paint scheme, he is even better. Very cool stuff.
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Very nice set. I’ll be looking for 2.
This can be towed by the Hiss, yeah?
YES. Awesome repaint, great gun setup. No reason not to get a couple.
atleast the range viper doesnt have that “hey im over here!” blue anymore
So… which Rise of Cobra vehicle is supposed to tow this again?
I love the Range-Viper’s color scheme, but I’m a bit disappointed they didn’t change that Tunnel Rat ammo belt/holster to something a bit more… ROC-fitting. A tac-vest or body armor or suchlike.
He could’ve used a few more paint apps too. Elbow pads and gloves, definitely.
Still very, very far from being a no-buy. Heck, if they don’t come out with something to tow it, I might even go and hunt for a 25th Anniversary Stinger to tow it.
Will people get over how this thing will be towed!
Uses your imagination, see this as a PERMANENTLY MOUNTED BATTLE GUN where the wheels are a part of the design aesthetic, not necessarily must be used!
Then what’s the tow hook for?
“Then what’s the tow hook for?”
*passes saw*
Tow hook, what tow hook?