The seventh installment of G.I. Joe: Origins hit comic shops today and already various Joe sites are reporting their opinions on this issue, focusing on Mainframe and finally starting to lead us down the path towards COBRA. Check out the various links below to see what your peers thought about this issue:
My own thoughts? I liked it, over all. Mainframe has really separated himself as a unique character here and has come out of the shell of the generic tech geek that we’ve seen in the past. I like his rapport with Snake Eyes, and I like his new attitude. I also LOVE what they’re doing with COBRA here. Insinuating that it’s an organization that has existed for generations, and that it secretly funnels money through face companies…it almost sounds like the illuminate in a way, but in a very cool way. Interesting take.
No that’s not the Illuniati you are thinking of, it’s COBRA-La! The links are being made and you cannot avoid the conclusion.
The second page was terrible. The short hand names is getting annoying. The lack of recognizable uniforms is getting tiring. With that said, the story overall was solid. The character development of Mainframe made this C-list Joe character a major player in the new universe. The art of course was top notch.
I can see where you’re coming from, Todd, especially with “Grand Slam”. Face sculpt looked nothing like him, uniform was ambiguous, not even his specialty really matched what he was doing. It does make me a bit curious as to why they feature no names in such strong focus in some earlier issues, then just cast aside the known characters as if they’re unimportant.