A big thanks goes out to Dennis of the COBRA Collection Blog, who has done a review and kindly shared a wealth of images for the upcoming COBRA Mantis vehicle w/ Aqua-Viper. Part of the Alpha series of Rise of COBRA vehicles, the Mantis is a repaint/re-release of the Valor Vs. Venom Sting Raider, and actually fits in with the movie style pretty well. The movie deco Lamprey repaint (now with a cool removable helmet) finishes off the package very nicely. Check out the images below!
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Almost makes me wish I didn’t already have a Sting Raider, as that Lamprey repaint is very cool.
I’ll get one of those Lampreys. He’ll be my Moray commander like I made the Target Eel my Eel commander.
I was a sucker for that when it was VvV, and I’m a sucker for that now.
I have a trick, It has worked for me many times,
Go to toys r us right when it opens on thursday morning.
I used that trick last week and got The Doctor,Arctic Snake and Arctic Storm Shadow, and Accelerator Suit Duke.