Yeah, we knew that July 6th was the break date for BBTS, but I didn’t realize they’d get them up so quick! They are LOADED. Agent Helix, Flash, COBRA Commander, Accelerator Suit Duke & Ripcord, the Doctor. They have it ALL. Well…except for the Pit Commando and Scarlett in her Reactive Armor, those two figures are currently sold out.
Anything else you want, though, they got it bright and early this fine summer morning.
I’ve dropped my cash! I can finally count myself in with the rest of the RoC early adopters. 🙂
Any other poor folks without local retail establishments doing the online thing?
I managed to find a bunch of stuff at Target in North Dartmouth, MA over the weekend, picked up most of the vehicles (Raven, Pod, Gunship, Crusher, Rockslide), and saw the Wave with Scarlett v2, C.C., Paris S.E. and Shipwreck. Broke down and ordered the “37 set” from BBTS, I know its more, but I just don’t have the time to drive from store to store to pick up all the figs. It’s really nice that they put that set together. BTW, I am really impressed with all the vehicles so far. Loving the Steel Crusher!
BBTS should be put in jail for their prices. What a joke.
Man I saw like I know what had to be 4 waves worth of joes this weekend…….I may have went the online route with the 25th Joes (Because I wasnt going to get up at 8 AM to beat the “gottahavethemnow40yearolds”) BUT this toyline is in support of a movie and these things will be in plenty of supply………unless you live on and island 100 miles from nowhere….just wait a week and go to Target, Walmart and if you have to TRU……
Yeah, unfortunately I do live on an island of sorts… 65 miles to the nearest TRU and Target, I have a local Wal-Mart that hasn’t stocked Joes in over 5 years. Some folks don’t have any other options…
I feel you Justin, but Walmarts will have this out on the 10th……..
But dude, that’s like three whole days away!! 😀
I wouldn’t be so worried except that my Wal-Mart is notorious for not carrying any G.I. Joe items. No Sigma 6, no Anniversary, nada. Hopefully things will change.
They will be carrying this line I promise……..all walmarts have a planogram for it….have faith……