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I know it’s been a while since I did one of these, but I just couldn’t resist.  The inclusion of Matt Trakker into the 25th Anniversary line created quite a ripple in the fandom with arguments about a non-Joe character taking up a “slot” for what could have been a better choice, or wondering why MASK was getting any G.I. Joe love at all.  Myself?  I thought it was a very cool idea.  Well, HissTank member BHiga6181 takes it one step further and whipped up a full blown M.A.S.K. and V.E.N.O.M. team with masks and all.  Both BHiga and myself have to give huge props as well to Tri-Gate Creations for their awesome work on the masks that were used for this project as well.

Check out these two threads on HissTank for all the names and details, and you can hit up the images mirrored below.  Nice work on this one!