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We’ve already seen the Battle Damaged B.A.T. and Night Force Falcon, well now two more carded samples of the never-released Wave 14 figures have hit internet in the form of Zap and Resolute Storm Shadow.

Listen…I’ve been singing the praises of Resolute for months now, only to listen to a lot of fans who brushed it aside and only wanted their vintage re-hashes.  I hope everyone is watching and listening now…  😉  This version of Storm Shadow looks incredible.  Very simple, nothing dramatic, nothing over-detailed, but a simple, basic white-clad ninja with some really nice sculpting and great gear.  What else can you ask for?  While so many people bemoaned the loss of Zap, Alley-Viper, etc…  to me, it was the potential Resolute figures that stung the worst.  The vintage fans are getting what they asked for in the form of the COBRA Island 7-Packs.  Here’s really hoping that Hasbro has something up their sleeve for these unreleased Resolute figures as well, or that would be a HUGE hole left unfilled.  No matter what the future of the Resolute animation is, these designs, these characters, and these interpretations have been amongst the best seen in a long time, and it would be a damn shame if they got left in the dust for a team of 5 guys in the same black armor.  Hopefully Hasbro listens to that.

Anyway, thanks to acmilan8540 of as well as HissCommander from The Terror Drome for the info!

Back to class.  Ugh.

