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More Canadian Joe Con Exclusives revealed!

In the last issue of the JoeCanuck newsletter, we saw line art for Backstop, and a mysterious, bald black-clad COBRA agent who are slated to be part of the exclusive package available at the upcoming Canadian G.I. Joe Convention.  Well, over at more details have emerged, including the “Dead Eye”, Backstop’s personal tank!

Based off the Armadillo, it uses a nicely custom sticker sheet to separate it from the familiar style and has a very unique storyline that ties it in with the rest of the set.  A “must have” for any fans going over the border for the May 2nd show!  Check out the thread on JoeCanuck here for more details, images are mirrored below.  Also, be sure to visit for all of the details on the upcoming convention.

Sideshow Toys “Recon at Waypoint 12” Environment ready for pre-order

Recently GeneralsJoes broke the news about the upcoming Sideshow Collectibles “environment” diorama set, The Recon at Waypoint 12 w/ Timber.  Well, that item is now up for pre-order with a very nice assortment of new gallery images to go with it!

To pre-order this item and check out the awesome new gallery click the banner below.  Sideshow is knocking it out of the park.  Pricey, but high quality, all the way…

Recon at Waypoint 12 with Timer - 12-inch Environment