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JoeDeclassified Spec Ops Podcast Episode 3 is online!

And it’s another great one.  I posted a short while ago about Jim Sorenson’s upcoming book focused on the art of the Sunbow G.I. Joe animated series…well, the JDSO podcast wasted no time in actually getting him on the show to talk about it.  We now know this book will be called “The Field Manual”, and should provide some interesting behind the scenes information to any Joe fans out there.

Best part of the interview is the idea that if this book does well, there’s a good potential for future books to come, from the Resolute or Renegades universe.  How cool would that be?

For all of the latest and greatest intel on this book or potential future projects, be sure to keep an eye on Jim Sorenson’s blog.

It’s a great interview, and you also get the same level of G.I. Joe news and information that you’ve come to expect.  Check out the JDSO Podbean Page, or hit up the embedded player below to listen.

Flag Points podcast episode 18 Featuring Flint Dille

The guys over at Flag Points are knocking it out of the park lately, and their latest episode is no exception.  Continuing to dive into the Sunbow era of G.I. Joe greatness, the crew at  Flag Points brings us a new episode and a great interview with G.I. Joe legend Flint Dille.  Mr. Dille served as a story editor, associate producer, and writer of the Sunbow G.I. Joe animated series, and played a huge role in constructing the universe that so many of us are fond of today.

Go check out the Flag Points Podbean page to check out the latest episode.

Shout Factory complete Sunbow Series 1 set getting re-release treatment

Remember that awesome Footlocker set for the entire run of Sunbow G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero episodes?  Well, starting May 1st, Shout Factory is dropping the foot locker design and re-releasing the full series set!

Check out to pre-order the 16 disc DVD set and watch all the Sunbow animated series you want.

Thanks to TVShowsonDVD and Captain N for the tip!

Jim Sorenson to release G.I. Joe Animation Model book this summer

See, THIS is why fans of a property should be excited about a “movie year” even if they’re not necessarily excited about the movie.  When G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra hit theaters, obviously not many folks enjoyed it, but what they didn’t really understand was that the movie release paved the way for a lot of other cool things they may not have gotten otherwise (like G.I. Joe: Resolute, for instance).

Looks like the same could be true this summer!  Over on his blog, Disciples of Boltax, Jim Sorenson reveals that he is currently working on a G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero animation model book, with hopes to release it this summer.  He reveals that there has been an unusually large number of animation model sheets out there, and seems enthusiastic and optimistic that the book will be chock full of cool things for Joe fans to enjoy.

Transformers fans will likely recognize Sorenson from his work on the various Transformers AllSpark Almanacs and Addendums, and if we get the same attention to detail and presentation as those books offer, this should be a great one to add to your G.I. Joe library!

Check out the blog right here, and also you European fans, Jim Sorenson will be attending Roll Out Roll Call 3, so hit him up there and find out the skinny on his upcoming book.  I’m looking forward to it!