Fourteen Days left – Animal Warriors of the Kingdom Kickstarter is THIS CLOSE
All right, toy fans, crunch time is upon us. With only a scant fourteen days left, the fantastic looking Animal: Warriors of the Kingdom Kickstarter is within shouting distance of its goal…but it still needs our help!
At just a hair under $50,000 pledged, it needs $15,000 more to make these fun looking figures a reality. If you’re like me, you’re walking into retail stores these days and asking where all the original toylines are. Why is everything based on the same licensed properties?
Well, Spero is doing something new, something cool, and something that works with a wealth of other toy lines that you already collect. Support this thing folks. I WANT SOME MONKEYS AND WOLVES DANGIT.
Check out and support the Kickstarter, and read the full details below! These things look fun!
ANIMAL WARRIORS OF THE KINGDOM™ Series One: will consist of Ape, Canine, and Feline warriors, including the series’ main protagonist the albino ape Pale and his vile nemesis Baron Kah Lee. Each figure features 17 points of articulation as well as weapon accessories.
THE FIGURES: are 1:18 scale figures similar to G.I. Joe, Marvel Universe, H.A.C.K.S, Marauder Task Force, Dime Novel Legends, Eagle Force Returns, and Zombie Lab figures. The figures are sculpted and colored to be faithful to the comic book source material while remaining highly detailed and having great crossover potential for lines like those mentioned above and even Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Mythic Legions!
FIGURE INCLUDES: 1 Figure, accessories and removable armor! Mix and match your figures weapons and gear to create unique army builders.

PALE: ADVENTURE ARMOR : Albino Chimpanzee –The young albino ape king sports his trademark Mohawk and red armor. His ability to absorb his fallen enemies powers comes at a great cost as their ghosts become attached to him and slowly drive him mad! Create Wolf Pack Thug with alternate head accessory. Includes: 3 weapons

BARON KAH LEE: Chimpanzee – The tyrannical ruler over all of the Ape Kingdom. This devious villain rules with an iron paw and will stop at nothing to secure his place at the throne, including eliminating the rightful ruler. Pale, the young ape king! Create Kah Lee’s Elite Guard with alternate head accessory. Includes: 3 weapons

ATREIU: Lion – This traveling hero roams from town to town fighting for honor and revenge. His people were among the first to be displaced and enslaved by the Baron’s reign. Create Puma Clan Warrior with alternate head accessory. Includes: 3 weapons

CHUNARIAN SOLDIERS: Chimpanzee -These heroic soldiers make up the backbone of the Chunarian army and guard the walls of the sanctuary jungle city of Chuh-Nar from enemies of every kind. Create the Captain of the Guard with alternate head accessory. Includes: 2 weapons

CAPTAIN BRUTUS & THE HORRID KNIGHTS: Mandrill – Feral Mandrill soldiers meant to overwhelm and decimate rival armies; what they lack in fighting skill they make up for with sheer numbers and unhinged savagery! Create the Horrid Knights with alternate head accessory. Includes: 2 Weapons

THE HORRID ASSASSINS: Chimpanzee – Only slightly less vile than the mandrills these chimps are deadly with a bow but can wield a blade when in a bind. These apes rain hate down on opposing armies as the city gates give way to the steady push of the Horrid! Includes 5 weapons

TOXIOUS: Skunk – This skunk is his own one-animal army, his noxious stench can incapacitate almost anyone. If his foul odor doesn’t defeat you his formidable fighting skills will. Create a Horrid Assassin Variant with alternate head accessory. Includes 3 weapons
TOXIOUS ADD ON – $20 each or included in the ALL IN REWARD

GRIMLEY: WOLF – Wolves are known for hunting in packs and Grimley and his thugs are no exception. Cunning and skilled fighters; one would be wise to avoid any confrontation with him and his pack. Create a Chunari Pikemen with alternate head accessory. Includes 3 weapons
GRIMLEY ADD ON – $20 each or included in the ALL IN REWARD
PLAYSET : We will have a limited run for early bird backer of the Chuh-Nar Diorama playset, featuring a role swing attack! Created by the very talented Joe Harris who has also created play sets for Eagle Force and Dime Novel Legends. Early work In progress samples.

WEAPONS RACK: You’re gonna have a ton of weapons and what better way to show them off than a bad ass weapons rack?This beautiful weapons rack will be include in the ALL IN & DOUBLE DOWN levels.
NOTE: These are early stage Works In Progress. We will post updated images of both the play set and weapons wrack throughout the campaign.