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Help a Joe fan in need…and help yourself while you're at it

I’m passing along a message from my friends over at regarding a Joe fan North of the border who needs our help…and the JoeCanuck guys feel so strongly about it, that Mike, the owner and operator of the Canadian JoeCon has offered up a nice perk to folks who feel compelled to donate money to his cause.
I’ve laid out all the details on a separate page right here, and let’s just say if you’re a fan of the Canadian JoeCon exclusives, this is something you want to think about participating in.
Click the banner below for full details, and thanks for reading.

August newsletter online at

JoeCanuck’s post-convention breakdown includes releasing the latest installment of their collectors’ newsletter.  Great images, some nice details about putting together the convention set, and the latest installment of the always excellent JoeCanuck comic book are all there for your perusal.
Checkout the latest issue right here, and remember you can look at archives of all past issues on!

Canadian JoeCon Exclusive Comic Cover revealed!

On the eve of SDCC, another Convention is making headlines, this time the Canadian JoeCon, North of the border in Toronto.  Over on the CanJoeCon Facebook page, they have debuted the comic cover for this year’s exclusive Convention Comic!
Check out the awesome cover below, done by art wizard Jason Loo.

I’ve had a chance (and privilege) to take a peek at this comic, and I think you guys are really gonna love it.  It’s a fun read, and it will forever change the Canadian Joe Con universe.  Definitely find a way to get your hands on one if you can’t make it to the Con.  If you can, then scoop it up, it’s necessary reading!
For all of the details on the Canadian JoeCon, as usual, check out the website directly.

Canadian Collectors' Club July Newsletter is now online!

It’s getting towards late July and the Canadian G.I. Joe Convention is looming right around the corner!  Hitting Toronto (and the ‘net) August 7th, it promises to have a lot of Joes for sale, a lot of great exclusive figures, your favorite guests, and an awesome exclusive comic.
Well, ramping up towards the Convention, the July issue of the newsletter is now online!  Filecards for some of the exclusive figures, pages from the convention comic book, and a great Canuckleheads comic all cram the pages, and it’s a terrific read.
Check out the latest issue as you prep for Canada right here, and as always hit up and leave your feedback!